Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Joy Robinson
A career bass player and mix engineer who has played and mixed everything from jazz to musical theatre.
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It's pretty simple I MIX MUSIC! I am an award winning engineer with over 30 years in the business and a focus on rock music but not limited to it.
All production, mixing and mastering services.
In these dark times of musical stagnation,we need a hero !
I'm Bear, an Audio Engineer with a passion for analog/digital hybrid Mixing and Mastering and I work outside the box to help you find yours.
Mixing and mastering engineer
Mix MasterVybez, 26a ogunmola st surulere Lagosfavorite_borderfavoriteQuality mixing and mastering guarantee
Hola! Mi nombre es Matía Torres, soy un músico baterista y docente de Buenos aires, Argentina. Cuento con experiencia trabajando tanto en vivo como en estudio, asimismo cuento con un homestudio donde grabo a distancia canciones para distintos artistas!
Music producer with one year of experience, specializing in electronic, R&B, and pop music. Seeking to collaborate with new artists for tailored, high-quality productions.
Recent Successes
"I was looking for the best audio engineer and couldn't find one. Until I came across thing guy right here! Camilio Silva, one of the best mastering so far on one of my best tracks. Thank you very much my friend, will ..."
"Really professional to work with. Fast turnout time and quality work! Would definitely recommend 🔥"
"Great sound. Excellent communication and a pleasure to work with. "
"Whether it's a straight ahead tune or all it's over the grid, Luke delivers his high quality standard of self engineered performance to your inbox every single time. The force is strong in Master Luke Markham"
" I made this project mixed with a guy from fiverr beforehand and it didn't work out that well. This is my first time using soundbetter. I've searched through a mixing engineer who specializes in EDM and it truly paid ..."
"First-time mix & master with HILL, he did an excellent job and truly elevated the song. Responds quickly, perfectly implements your notes & feedback, and is very communicative throughout the process. Will definitely w..."
"We just wrapped our second song—turning another worktape into a killer demo—and yup, he nailed it again. Had a small tweak I wanted after his first pass, and he handled it like the pro he is. Top-notch production and ..."
"Very good and fast communication. Quick turnaround."