Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Josiel Konrad
A drummer with more than 15 years of experience, and mix for his project, pop, pop rock, rock, Brazilian music and much more
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Justin Gammella is a songwriter, vocal producer and producer who has releases with Benson Boone, FINNEAS, Bella Poarch, Lennon Stella, Rosie Darling, Ashe, Shallou, salem ilise, Steve Aoki, Kaskade, Deorro, Blake Rose, Carlie Hanson, Katelyn Tarver, Jake Scott, Phil Good and many more
I'm a Lyricist / Topliner / Songwriter, passionately focused on telling great stories through songs and melodies that stick in your head like glue. Thought provoking songs that are in line with your perspective and experiences and fit well within you album project.
5 years experience as a lyricist. Modern and unique outlook
Over the past few years I have worked with many professional producers and artists on mixing and mastering projects.
I will get your vocals radio ready using industry-standard vocal processing plugins such as Melodyne, Waves, and AutoTune. All edits will sound clean, natural, and undetectable to the ears.
I'm a music producer with a studio in Buenos Aires, Argentina. My main objective is to understand the artist and his vision to help him translate his ideas into his song.
producer, musician, singer, composer, mixing and mastering engineer with more than 12 years of experience in the music industry,
Experienced Ghost Producer with a passion for crafting exceptional music. With 6 years of industry experience, I specialize in seamlessly blending your artistic vision with technical expertise across various genres, from commercial EDM to underground house tracks. I am dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction through professionalism and transparent
Recent Successes
"Anna did an amazing job on the piano track she recorded for me. She delivered quick and professional results. A really talented woman!"
"Great cooperation! Jenny is very patient and determined to deliver best vocals with great quality!"
"Knocked it out the park!!! As always the best Engineer I've ever worked with"
"Guy was more than the perfect person for my project. His dedication to perfection, sound design, and quality truly highlights his remarkable talents as an audio engineer. To anyone looking to take your work to the nex..."
"JT is SUPER talented, easy to work with, FAST, reliable, and really easy to communicate with. I'd highly recommend JT if you're looking for unique and professional vocal work. Blew me away with the first demo he sent ..."
"Perfect. Thank you so much for your work across the entire EP mate, you have absolutely crushed this and I couldn't be prouder. All the best my man, you're gonna go far."
"tasteful playing. gave me multiple takes from both piano and fender Rhodes to choose from. Very pretty jazzy voicings! "
"Charles went above and beyond.. I had a special project that he totally got and nailed it!! This is the second time using him and I can not praise him enough. It’s no wonder he has done stuff for the top artist!!! "