Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Joshua Quimby
Asher the Producer: Folk pop and funk pop producer and mix engineer
Nashville based instrumentalist, specializing in pedal steel and electric guitar. I'm excited to work with you!
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The universe is with you, not against you
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Do you need help putting your perfect song together? Whether it be recording an instrumental piece, writing lyrics, or mixing, I would love to help!
Il Divo, Groban and Hugh Jackman are my sound. I'm an'Arts Ed London' Grad. Played leading roles in London's west end like, Jersey Boys and Fiddler on the Roof. I achieved my grade 8 classical singing at 18. I've appeared on Royal Variety and BBC Children in Need. I record and mix my vocals at my home studio.
My name is Juan Valdez a graduate of Delta State Community College and The Audio Institute Of America with a degree in Recording Engineering & Music Production with over 15 years experience.
The most beautiful sound you hear around here!
UK-Based Music Producer and Mixing Engineer with 5 years experience. Signed with labels such as Lilly Era, ChillYourMind, Stereofox.
Recording, Mixing and Live Audio Engineer experienced and committed on making anything and everything sound better.
Recent Successes
"He is a great singer and rapper. I am very happy to work with him. Great job!!!"
"Another great experience working with Marcel, this time with electric guitars. He really captured the essence of the track with very little direction. A first class experience."
"Basically my first time getting a engineer to mix me and I put my money in the right place! Definitely will be back and definitely recommend if you need a rap/hip hop/rnb track mixed!"
"I was very pleased. He did a very tasteful part that really enhanced the song in one day. No wonder he has so many good reviews"
"World-class engineer, artist and gentleman - stop looking you found your guy!"
"Marcello and his team always deliver and improve your song!"
"Super organised and efficient! I had some issues with my project but Matt was extremely patient while we got them sorted. He went out of his way to make sure everything works for me, I will definitely be coming back t..."
"Wow! I love that I can give Frank general guidance, turn him loose, and know he'll ALWAYS comes back with a dynamite production! He has done many songs for me across a wide range of styles/genres and has never failed ..."
"I’ve used Bastiaan exclusively since coming to sound better , and he never fails to hit targets and exceed expectations . A very gifted sound engineer !"