Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John Lemke
String arranger/composer with studio and in-house session orchestra - string section production for bands, singer-songwriters, TV & film scores. Arranger for artists including King Creosote (Domino Records), Modern Studies (Fire Records), Lomond Campbell (Heavenly Recordings), Emma Pollock (the Delgados) and Ricky Ross (Deacon Blue).
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I love transforming a raw recording into a vibrant, dynamic piece of art that emotionally captures the listener. I've worked with Grammy winning Mix Engineers and Mastering Engineers. I play in a indie-rock band called Walden. We've played major fests across the nation (Bonnaroo, Shaky Knees, Kabboo, etc)
Passionate, dedicated, communicative sound engineer with a high emphasis in customer service.
West coast pop/electronic producer with over 8 years of experience.
I am a music producer from Philadelphia with experience working with Grammy nominated artists. I can provide services such as beat making, mixing, and mastering
I write songs since i can remember, now i became a producer, send me your demo... we will work to get it to the top industry quality and make it a real Hit.
When I mix or master or produce music, i try to pull out the true soul and sound of the artist. I love music and i think that music always saves us.
Introvert. Coffee expert. Professional travel nerd. Total creator.
I got involved with a Japanese rock band and did the sound production and all the mixing and mastering. The following are some of the works I was involved in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAAaoUqbDrM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VadNrB8NF4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nILgUm6_HhY
Recent Successes
"We had a second track mixed by MJD and we are very pleased with the result. Once more it was a pleasure working with him and don't regret our choice. You really feel that he works WITH you and not for you if this make..."
"Ohad did a terrific job mixing and mastering my song. He gave me the perfect result first time - and he's so friendly too! Can't wait to work with him again! :-)"
"Incredible work. Exactly what we discussed and more. Amazingly fast turnaround time as well. "
"Alexander is truly an exceptional Saxophonist! He goes far and beyond to deliver such a smooth product that's superb to what I ever would've imagined for the track he worked on for me. Alexander is the guy you need fo..."
"Austin’s work is phenomenal - he really knows how to bring a song to life from your raw mix to his final product. My band’s recordings now sound totally professional and radio-quality thanks to him. Austin is also ver..."
"Great job!"
"I simply reached out to Lydia with a minimalist new, original song, and asked her to conjure some piano with a touch of "Adele-ness." In classic Lydia fashion, conjure she did in a super short time, as if she'd known..."
"Second time working with Jimmy. Another great vocal performance. A good vocal needs the singer to nail the pitch and rhythm and most importantly the emotion of the song. Jimmy does it every time. Highly recommend. "
"Tasty AF! Really knows his Trombone skills, fit perfectly into a pop track i'm doing, lots of energy and swagger. A+++"