Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John Johnson
Northern California producer and composer well-versed in pop and hip-hop radio hits ready to work with you to develop your sound and music. Complete marketing package for independent artists, including digital, web, imagery, and branding to create a memorable signature for you in the over-saturated music marketplace.
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Producer, mixing engineer, and bassist living in Brooklyn, NY
I am currently working as sound engineer and sound designer from 2005 to present day at Aries Vismayasmax Entertainments PVT.LTD, a Film&Video Post production facility situated in Kerala,India. During this period I had done numerous dialogue recording ,Foley and sound effects recording and final mixing of feature films ,television programmes etc.
It’s hard for an artist to standout in a crowded market. My goal is to make your stuff heard by playlist curators.
I am a Grammy Award-winning recording engineer and mixer, and I'll bring detailed attention to your tracks to bring them to life, always going above and beyond to make sure everyone is absolutely stoked with the result.
De vida para o que acredita!
A commercial vocal producer/engineer, songwriter and versatile harmonist who would turn your top lines into magic.
Experience the transformative power of Dolby Atmos mixing with a highly skilled and renowned audio engineer, equipped with top-tier gear and an impressive portfolio including credits on chart-topping projects, delivering immersive and captivating soundscapes that elevate your music to new heights.
Bringing 10 years of audio editing expertise to your podcast or video, with a focus on clarity, impact, and immersive soundscapes.
Recent Successes
"Austin is extremely professional and negotiated with my price range. With someone of his caliber(i mean hes worked with Avicii)to mix and master my song at such an affordable price is very generous. I highly recommend..."
"Fast ans SUPER professional work!! it was a pure pleasure to work with Alina . definitely will work with her in future :)"
"Fantastico.. si è sentito coinvolto e divertito nel fare il mastering al mio brano fatto in home recording!!! Stra soddisfattissimo"
"Shelly is an absolute pleasure to work with! Super friendly, professional attitude not to mention her superb voices, with special touch and attention to details delivered at blazing fast speed. Definitely can’t wait f..."
"Great working with Wes, he's fast, artistic and professional "
"Better than I could have imagined. Charlotte was quick, professional and really worked with me to get the result I was looking for. Will definitely be coming back. "
"It's my first time that I used SB, I was skeptical. When you have to find a collaboration with another guy is always like a roulette. I saw many artists here but one man catch up my attention, this guy is iElvis. ..."
"It was my second time working with Nate and again his delivery was on point. Really happy with the outcome. Highly recommend working with Nate."
"I've lost track of how many songs I've had the opportunity to work on with Marcelo - every one has been amazing. He's a terrific drummer and always has the right parts for the right times. I enjoy working with him and..."