Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with John Crossan
Perfect Guitars for your next song! Treating each song with surgical precision to provide innovative guitars quickly.
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I'm a singer, songwriter and instrumentalist. I have an amazing ear for music and I have the ability to transform any musical selection into something amazing!
I'll get take your music to its ultimate form!
I´m specialized in Rock & Metal Genres, but I mix any Genre
Creative Pop Producer
Engineer in Southern California that can bring a professional mix to your project. I enjoy working with artists and producers to take their music to a level that sonically competes.
I'm a classically trained musician who specializes in woodwinds, vocals, and piano. I work with Ableton Live and do all my own recording and mixing. I specialize in Indie Pop, Jazz, and Classical Music. In addition to recording and performing, I have extensive experience arranging music for covers and original music.
I have worked with multiple Grammy nominated artists including Ashanti Floyd, Anthony David, Griogair, Y’anna Crawley, Algebra Blessett, and others. I have recorded drums for many producers and artists including “Trap House” (2 chains) producer Rijay Sampson, Cory Mo, Justice League, Philip David Hill, Jet Black Roses, Cody Matlock and many others.
I have a voice type like Chester Bennington and can do high cleans and also high and low Shouts. I‘d love to collab on your next track! I‘m also able to recording and edit/process my recordings myself.
Recent Successes
"Andres is a real pleasure to work with. Communication was great, very honest, obviously works hard to achieve what is best for the product. I have found that engineers ( mixing and mastering) sometimes have more ego a..."
"Well. William makes the impossible possible. He brought a string section with Cello, Viola and two violins to my rather complicated blues piano track. And now we have something really new. It is a great work. "
"I was so happy with the first vocal job that Drew did for me that I just had to ask him to do some more singing. And, if possible, these new vocals were even better! Drew really puts all of his heart into the singing ..."
"I have worked with Eileen a couple of times now and everytime I'm so happy with the work and it's a pleasure to work with her 😀 One of the best voices I've heard."
"Yet again, an absolute pleasure working with Austin. I love the final mix! definitely working with him again"
" Chad is an excellent guitarist but this is the first time I have used him for a full production and the results were super. He ‘got’ the feel of the song and added added awesome sounding drums. Highly recommended."
"My broski Z with an awesome swagtastic bass on a AWESOME track!! You’re the best Z!!"
"Great experience!"