Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Johandy Diaz
Sweet and Simple
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Need a special French Touch in your sound ?
I´m Fabian Ramos mixing and mastering engineer, I have no restriction on revisions!
**Affordable Attention To Detail**
My lyrics, my life, I'd like to share, to a beat with real emotion that you'll relate and it'll resonate. Love & Light...Peace🙏
My focus as a music producer has always been pushing the envelope of what modern sounds can be. I’m capable of elevating your projects at any stage, be it a full arrangement or a voice memo recording, to a professional production with a modern and ambitious aural palette that is unique to and representative of you as an artist.
I'm a producer and mix/master engineer based in Mobile, AL. Your art is special to you, and I will always treat it with the respect that it deserves.
I’m quite new, but I have like 3 years of music experience, because I have always worked at the background of DJ AirshiP
Music producer having produced in over 7 countries, including with renowned Latin American rappers such as Elreghosg, Santa Fe Klan, Lokothl, Rxnde Akozta etc. Specialized (but not limited to) hip-hop & urban music. Making visions come true.
Recent Successes
"This was absolutely incredible. I asked him to make an instrumental version of a vocal track and he far exceeded my expectations. He really nailed it. In fact, if I were designing an opening sequence of a play, I woul..."
"Easy to work with and provided a lot of options through adlibs and layering!"
"Killian is the best producer I've worked with on SB, and I've worked with a lot. The key for me is the track needs to sound commercial and radio ready and that's exactly what he's great it. Everything is the highest q..."
"Working with Arthur was amazing. He was professional, direct, and extremely talented in every way possible. He was very helpful and understanding with the song's vision and direction, and even helped me record and per..."
"Meredith was exceptional! Incredibly fast response and the tracks were completed and perfect in one take in less than 24 hours. I highly urge anyone considering working with her to do so. You will not be disappointed!"
"Audrey is reliably outstanding! I can always count on her to do something amazing! Give her your money 💯💯💯💯💯💯 She's just magical 🔥"
"Another track with Mat. Cool! I'll contact soon Mat, I like his creativity. I recommend contacting him."
"Sefi always delivers the cleanest masters. He's been my trusty go-to for a few years now. He's able to make my tracks loud while simultaneously opening them up and he always knows what a track needs. He can make warm ..."