Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Joe P
Unique productions with analog feel blended into a digital world.
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Specialize in Post Production Audio for broadcast on TV, Cable TV, Theaters, etc. Worked with top TV Networks both local and international. Proud owner of LCP Audiosuite Studio which handle projects from top rating shows on television. Professional personalized service, prompt materials turn over, prompt after sales services. Reasonable prices.
With credits including Chris Brown, Nelly, Baby Bash and the Bloodhound Gang... I specialize in turning your song into a hot record.
Music Producer, Co-Creator. My music productions have a combined streams of over 10 million plays. I am a sound professional that specializes in electronic music, game audio, and post production.
I am unique producer who is trying to fuse different genre of music to create my own new genre,
101 records in Zamdela Sasolburg
I will Mix your Rock, Punk, Pop-Punk, Metal song in 3 days or less. That's it. That's the pitch.
My goal is to take upcoming artist to their next level, at a comfortable budget threshold. I love learning and I hope we'll both grow throughout our working interactions together. So let's make some hits!
Over 100 million streams on Spotify alone, songs released by Universal, Sony, Nitron, Smash The House, Revealed , etc. I'm a professional singer and vocal producer from The Netherlands, available for hire to record vocals and produce / edit vocals and for songwriting from scratch.
Recent Successes
"Friendly and professional guy. I was real happy with the results of the mix and master. See you next time!"
"Yo, I promise if anybody ask me who she is...I'm gonna tell them, "she is my #1 demo vocalist"....whoa! Jazelle is extra dope"
"Kevin, is really good with his stuff, never fails to let you down. I’m so happy with the project😄😄"
"Alex ones again delivered! His voice is perfect for my metalproject. I just need to figure out to get him to move to Sweden so we can play these songs live :) He made the third track I sent him sound so damn good!. Th..."
"This is the second project I have worked with Giuliano on, and once again he smashed it out the park. This was a piece of piano music for a friends wedding and Giuliano added strings, choir and gave it a cinematic qua..."
"Daryl has been my go to for any mixing or mastering for over 2 years now. I highly recommend him to anyone who is trying to take their track to the next level!"
"We have recently started working together on the production and mixing of some of my songs that I want to bring together in an album. We have completed the first track, and I am 100% satisfied; he did an impeccable jo..."
"I recently collaborated with Stefan on a metal song. The results of his mastering were outstanding! The clarity, punch, and overall balance were spot-on. Stefan was responsive, professional, and delivered ahead of sch..."
"Alex is such a pro! He’s got a great creative ear and super proficient at mixing and production. A real pleasure to work with. "