Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jinx Vs. Junkrat - Savage Battles (Season 2) ft. Kyle Ruzen & BonesMcgizer
Unique and creative composer and producer specializing in a wide range of genres and styles
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I have had a blast working with artists locally to Chicago, Kirk Kamminga and Cold Creek Road, Bel-Air and the Burbs, MightBeMike, Sickk Boy, as well as artists from Wisconsin, Bradley Sperger, and Be the Young.
HiTPLAY is the 1 STOP production team with Grammy & Emmy winning JoJoHo & SeanyP. Credits include: Producer, Composer, Pianist, Programmer, Arranger, Mixing/Mastering Engineer, Background & feat Vocalist, Performer, Songwriter & Recording Artist. 20,000,000 albums sold worldwide. 25 RIAA Certified Gold/Platinum Albums We provide all styles
40 millions streams - US Billboard Features & Global Press - Hi I'm Conan I'm a pop songwriter, topliner & artist. I'd love to help write your track, whether you're an artist or a DJ looking for toplines. My previous label releases include Sony, Warner, Soave, Spinnin and Controversia Records. It's never been so easy to collaborate, lets connect!
Certified-Platinum Producer (Two platinum records / 1 album & 1 single)
Are you looking for an Engineer to Mix & Master your music? Feel free to contact me and let's get to work!
Annihilator drummer since 2016 (Ex-Mike Mangini, Randy Black, Alex Landenburg), touring and studio drummer for over a decade. First European drummer to play at Bonzo Bash.
Hi, I`m Alex and I can help you to sound better in projects as I am a good visionary what you actually need and what needs to be done for your perfection
Professional vocalist with extensive experience in live singing and studio recording. Versatile artist and composer, talented in crafting emotionally impactful melodies.
Recent Successes
"Loved working with Simms! He’s very kind, easygoing, friendly, quick and professional. The communication was amazing and the quality of the production was 10/10. Will definitely work with him again soon!"
"We are very pleased with Andres' work and will gladly work with him in the future. Andres was responsive, collaborative, and consistent with his communications and processes related to our project. We would highly rec..."
"Ruby is awesome to work with! She responded very quickly was to eager to get things done. The vocals Ruby delivered are professionally done and match the vision that I was going for. Would highly recommend and overall..."
"Let me put my sunglasses on cause Rob n Sue just dropped da bomb on all us interplanetary extraterrestrial thumpasorus peoples. Supergroovalistic masterfunk straight from da Mothership!!!"
"Simon is a top collaborator!"
"Riley is awesome! We always have a great time bringing out the best moments of the song. Finding the best parts of my voice that fit with the music can be a challenge but it's worth the time, and Riley is a master at ..."
"Wow! and I mean Wow, I been producing for about 20 + years. Used a fair few folk for vocal tuning but never "ever" have I recieved this kind of quality before, David is now my go to tuning man from here on in, if you ..."
"This was my first time working with Travis to master a song. He was responsive, professional, personable and delivered an outstanding mastered song!"