Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jeff Stauffer
Experienced, specialized, country mixing and mastering engineer.
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Tom Brooks is best known as Producer, Arranger, Engineer, and Keyboardist for Integrity Music. Tom has produced well over 100 award winning albums at his New Earth Studios in Southern California, with over 60 million albums sold world-wide.
Mixer located in the Greater LA area. Specializes in funk, rock, and pop music Experienced working with accredited band, The War on Drugs and assistant to grammy award winning engineer Austin Asvanonda.
Rap, trap
Music Producer, Composer, Arranger, Orchestrator.
15 years of experience in teaching music for guitar, keyboard and vocals. Have conducted over 50 live music programs with more than 40 - 60 students performing.
Boom Bap, Asylum Trap, Experimental Underground Hip Hop Producer
I'm an expert music producer specializing in pop, R&B, hip hop, cinematic, and alternative genres. With 6 years of experience and a bachelor's degree in audio production, I will get you sounding right immediately. You name the genre, I can do it. It's all about your vision. I make that come to life--whatever that is. You hit me up, I answer. Easy.
Transform your brand's advertisements with captivating soundscapes and memorable music compositions, expertly crafted to resonate with your audience
Recent Successes
"5 stars- always glad to work with Benny and I highly recommend him!"
"Charlie's a great bass player who is professional and can definitely lay down a sick baseline for your track!"
"Nikos is great to work with - extremely professional, communicates really well and provides great quality work in a timely manner. I'd love to work with him again."
"Kristin is a sownderful violinist blessed with a lovely tone and feel for her instrument. She can make your heart sing - or weep - with her delivery. A great communicator too, and northing is too much trouble. She's fab!"
"Talk about fast turnarounds! Chandler is great as a vocalist and also as a person who delivers the goods on time and to spec. I am fortunate to have found a singer with those qualities. Always a pro. Thanks, Chandler."
"Undy is an amazing singer, so talented ! Every project with her is a hit :D"
"Its always a pleasure to work with Ashley, on point with the lyrics and soulful melodies. And very on point with delivering on time. No need for too much instructions, she gets it from the get go and understands the a..."
"Ashley is the best vocalist I ever worked with. Hands down! The quality of her work is not only the best, also she is amazing to work with, takes direction well and overdelivers every time. 10/10!!"