Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jaydi
I differentiate myself by giving my personal touch to any production I work on, always trying to sound different and good. Me diferencio por darle mi toque personal a cualquier producción que trabaje, Siempre tratando de sonar diferente y bien.
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More providers:
Simone Bresciani. Producer, arranger and composer.
La muisca es vida y cualquier sonido insignificante que sea expresa un sentimiento ¡¡ ELECTRONIC MUSIC
My Thesis Help
My original songs have been featured on National Radio (BBC Radio 2, 6Music, Radio X) National and International Television (Sky Sports, Channel 4 + ITV programming) and my band and I have opened the show for world renowned acts James Blunt, JP Cooper, Texas and Gavin James to name a few.
I will be your professional female songwriter, singer.
⭐ Ghost Producer ⭐ Mixing ⭐ Mastering ⭐ Remixer
I make Latin Urban/Pop/Electronic Music! I can work on every part of the process of making the song, from pre-production and co-songwriting, Production and up to Mixing and Mastering!
Recent Successes
"Their production is amazing, their really professional, handing everything on time and your song goes to a whole new level of quality. I am really happy with the work they did and I am even continuing to work with the..."
"Travis is great to work with - highly skilled, responsive to feedback and revisions, super friendly, and delivers with fast turnaround. The mix sounds amazing! I can't wait to work with Travis again. Highly recommended!"
"This was the first time working with Vic, but it will definitely not be the last. I have never worked with someone as kind, motivated, and communicative as him. He mixed and mastered my track to perfection. He really ..."
"7 Harder was incredible to work with. Extremely well mannered, and direct. He is easy to work with, very talented and personable. On top of all that he responds quick! He simply made our idea come to life. We made..."
"Daniel was such a blessing to our project. After the first version of the mix he totally understood what we wanted. After that it was only minimal details reviews. Easy to work with, and very fast to deliver without f..."
"Great job from Camilo, he was open to feedback and quick to get the job done!"
"I’m very pleased, working with this awesome producer. I am so happy that I have met him working with Daniel has brought me great joy and satisfaction. After hearing all the arrangements that he does for my songs, I hi..."
"Always a pleasure to work with. Will keep coming back!"
"Great communication, great turn-around time, and an incredible voice!"