Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with JayDee Maness
Mark Fuller, mastering engineer with a rich history as player, sound designer, songwriter. A beautiful hybrid rig with excellent, versatile analog hardware and a large collection of superb plugins. Top quality analog/digital conversion, fantastic Kii speakers in an excellent listening environment. Metal Soul Movies Pop Freaks Rhymes Retro Modern
More providers:
For any Available Project be it for TV,Radio ...etc
I want to co-create an auditory vision on a wild journey to music city and lay down the sexiest tracks. 15 years of classic guitar training and 8+ years as a producer
I produce all types of music
A no-frills session bassist with a deep pocket
Producer/Singer/Songwriter/Sound Engineer. Need a unique voice and professional with a creative and tech background for your project? I listen closely to what you want to create and make sure to use creative and technological tools to translate your idea to a professional, industry-quality track.
Over a billion views and streams, check some of my music as producer, songwriter and mixer: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6oAbhPZvAHtBeydNyLml9F?si=cb6260328c074f9f
Hi my name is M.O.B. I am currently an artist, composer, mixing and mastering engineer from Thailand. I have my own music on every music streaming platforms such as Youtube music, Spotify, Apple music. I work on various genre of the music such as Hiphop, RnB, Rock, Acoustic, Trap, Drill. My Youtube channel is "M.O.B. Official". 74k total views.
Professional Music Producer and Mixing Engineer
Recent Successes
"Always intuitive and persistent until a finished product has been achieved. Great work. "
"Tom is a really a talented drummer who not only has a great sense of timing and groove, but also is very quick to respond to requests. Its incredibly hard to find someone who is a true artist and a professional as we..."
"I had the golden opportunity of working with Natalis and let me just say, she is a GEM!! Not only is she an unbelievable songwriter, but her response time and willingness to help is unmatched! My artist was blown aw..."
"Brent is pure Gold! I needed him to stay true to a part and make it soulful and organic and he delivered that and more. Giving me stems for a Dual mic'd cabinet, Pedal and DI as well as doubles for each part. No..."
"Darren was given a challenging project with lots of sounds and many parts. He turned my music into a masterpiece worthy of the big name labels. I cannot say enough great things of Darren's skill, intuition, and atte..."
"Dylan took extremely limited resources and turned them into magic! I couldn't be more happy with what he put together. Dylan is extremely professional and easy to communicate with, and has a great ability to share you..."
"What can I say! I have been working with Fede on several songs now, and it has been an absolute pleasure. He elevates my songs to another level. Thx bro, I will be back for more :) "