Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jane McKee
Emmy and CAS Award Winning Mixer, worked on Grammy Nominated albums, highly versatile skillset mixing Dolby Atmos, 5.1, 7.1, Stereo, well versed in multiple genres with 20 years experience and happy to offer live remote mixing for non-NYC based artists.
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Professionality and expertise at your disposal
Hello my name is Zeke I am a local audio engineering from Austin. I graduated with a bachelors of science in audio engineering since then i have worked with local artist.
Professional touch to your music.
Making music is my life, the more I do the more I realize it is what I want to do. I mix by heart and that's why it sounds great.
We offer a professional music production service: creating, mixing and mastering, custom music for your media.
Any transcription you need, I can make it !
I can compose, record and edit clean Spanish or acoustic guitars for you (Reggaeton, Afrobeat, Trap or Rap song) Once I finished I can give you raw stems. If you want to add production (EQ, any delay or reverb, compressor, effects, preamps, etc) within those guitars it would include adding cost of 50$ as producer service. Check out all my services.
I specialize in all genres of music and have gotten the opportunity to write/mix/master for many different artists and I would love to add you to that list! My vision as an engineer is to bring clarity, warmth, and an overall exciting experience to your project so that the listener can be immersed in the same world as you.
Recent Successes
"Very professional, good communication, great voice. I would like to make more songs with Geena!"
"Yatziv records amazing drums - high quality musicianship. He definitely goes above and beyond by giving multiple takes to work with. He knows how to manage drum work to create memorable music. "
"Joleene brought conviction, creativity and wonderful communication to my innovative pop piece. Love her timber, emotion and super-pro performance. I plan to work with Joleene again once I write more lyrics deserving o..."
"7 songs in with Dan, just completed the last song for our debut EP, and I can tell you now that his expertise, approachable pricing, and great attitude have all made this even feasible. He's seemed to find joy and exc..."
"Sefi did an outstanding job mixing and mastering my song. Sefi was a delight to work with and I'll definitely be using his talents again in the future. Thank you, Sefi."
"Vauw. What can I say that´s not already been said. Simon is the best. That is for shure. Try him out. ou´ll never change again. I´m defenately not. 💕"
"I'm compelled to express just how profoundly moved and impressed I'm with Alli's exceptional talent. She subliminal control over her voice has the rare ability to sweep the listener into an ineffable musical experienc..."