Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Janbu
I'm a music producer from Barcelona
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"I cannot write in verse, for I am no poet. I cannot arrange the parts of speech with such art as to produce effects of light and shade, for I am no painter. Even by signs and gestures I cannot express my thoughts and feelings, for I am no dancer. But I can do so by means of sounds, for I am a musician."
Berlin-based Sound Designer & Composer
British vocalist & singer songwriter based between Paris and London.
Songwriter signed to Hallwood Media & Livelihood Publishing
¿Quieres hacer un pedido de jamón Ibérico y no sabes cómo hacer? Revisa la guía de compra fácil que tienes en este lugar. Tienes a un par de clicks y unos pocos minutos el poder disfrutar del sabor de los más destacados jamones que vas a poder encontrar. Si necesitas asesoramiento personalizado
Eclectic composer, producer, and guitarist. Striving for experimentation and research, influenced by a broad range of genres including rock, jazz, blues, electronic, hip hop, classical, fusion.
I’m Dedicated to Producing the best product on your Current Project. I'm a Music Producer who has worked with Pharrell Williams, Chris Brown, Cee Lo Green & Others.
Ambitious Beatmaker and music producer.
Recent Successes
"This man did all 17 tracks on my project! Nothing but perfection on each one. This man the GOAT!!"
"Grrreeeaaat talent. I love his work. Thks Bailey "
"This was the third time I worked with him. He always properly does mastering and put lots of effort even in this situation. Very kind and clear communication. I definitely recommend working with him!"
"Fantastic vocalist! A real pro!"
"Amazing quality producer right here! I could tell he was a professional from his credits, but the quality of the product we received back; however, I was not ready for. He’s definitely been around the block, and his w..."
"One of the best in the game! Nailed my sound right away. 🔥🔥 Will be working with him again! ☆☆☆☆☆"
"so good. total pro!"
"Noah is a pro. He gets it, responds to your feedback in the most creative way understanding the artist's original intent while maintaining the integrity of the final product. He delivers high quality, an excellent c..."