Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with James Tate Wilson
Producer, mixing and mastering engineer, composer, live sound technician, multi-instrumentalist, and songwriter with 7 years of professional experience.
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Bring the vocals tracks to life with orchestration by multi-award winning arranger, Cameron Golinsky.
Freelance bass player & composer - R&B, Latín, Jazz adjacent styles
Music producer out of South Carolina.
Argentina based producer
I will mix and master your song for streaming platforms and radio air play.
Experienced audio engineer with 4 years in the industry, specializing in diverse genres and fields. From video game audio to foley, dubbing, vocal mixing, recording, and music production, I bring expertise and creativity to every project. Let's elevate your sound to new heights together!
Recent Successes
"Third time working with Jay. And once again full mark. Jay composed very catchy top-line and lyrics for my EDM song! I would happily work with Jay again and again! "
"I am very happy with the result! TonyB is the best choice, professional and skilled! Works so fast, top quality and provides you the changes you need. It was a pleasure working with him! I recommend 100% ..."
"Axe always exceeds my expectations!!! He is simply one of the best producers on this site. Super talented, versatile and creative, Axe can give your song the boost and direction it needs to stand out from the crowd. ..."
"Great voice, great songwriter. Unique sound and delivered well and in a timely manner. Very easy to work with! "
"Again, Steve delivered with great quality and professionalism. It is always a pleasure to collaborate with him, positive and always ready to act to comments and changes. Will definitely recommend to other SoundBetter ..."
"Sensational, a spot on performance for me. His record speaks itself. But I really admired the way Yoed listened to everything I said to detail. "
"Will was very precise and strived to get the best possible recording that he could. And he definitely did. I've always admired his work and after seeing his approach to it first-hand I can see why he is so successful...."
"Absolutely nailed the mix and mastering! The track is elevated in every way possible and I am going to continue to send my tracks to Matt for mixing and mastering!"
"Absolutely professional"