Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with James Bryan
JUNO Award-winning Jazz, Pop & R&B singer-songwriter based in Toronto, ON.
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Create something that you like, not what others say you should like!
Taking songs to the next level. Let's get your stuff on the radio!
Career spanning over 15 years as a Singer/Songwriter, I have garnered a diverse portfolio of accomplishments, including placements on popular MTV shows such as "The Hills," "The City," and "Jersey Shore." My professional journey has also encompassed collaborations with acclaimed chart-topping producers & writers in the US.
We're a production team consisting of Steven "Q-Beatz" Kubie, Gerald "Tag" Yusuf, and Nick "Steele Risin" Steele. Each of us have our own individual success from working with Chris Brown, Maluma, XXXtentacion, City Girls, Mary J Blige, Skrillex, Beenie Man, Elephant Man, Swae Lee, Lil Pump, Ludacris, Lil Baby, Missy Elliot, Trina, and more.
A kind of millennial musician melodically built from jazz and rock but with powerful rhythmic bases typical of Latin American music. My sound is raised between the legendary New Orleans and the fresh Cartagena sound, between the snarky New York sound and the spiritual sound of the Andes mountains in South America.
Double bass player, he plays w/ Vinicio Capossela, the best Italian folksinger actually and has recorded with him for Universal Music with Marc Ribot, Alessandro Stefana, Jim White (P.J. Harvey). His goal is to bring contemporary techniques for double bass into popular music while respecting the composition, his style and what the music requires.
With 13 years of experience as a Musician, I make success 98.5% possible! Although I am a musician, but my real profession is to turn any idea into a PERFECT music. Anyway, I'm the Modern, Creative, Good Looking Producer you want! :)
I'm a professional vocalist/songwriter, and provide with some chinese sauce!!
Recent Successes
"Everything I've ever wanted in a drummer (except for the whole living-on-the-same-continent part)!"
"Aimee knocked it out of the park on the track we did together! Great voice and received the files before I needed them. I can't wait to work with her again."
"Shrai Provided a fantastic arrangement of my raw tracks into a song with energy and movement I never could have achieved without him. Amazing drum and bass , with ear candy and tasteful fills throughout the pro..."
"Thank you to Daniel, absolutely great work done, i love the result, special + for the drum. Already working on a new song. Again thank thank you Daniel so much pleasure working with you. Olivier "
"He has a really charming voice. I want to work with him again next time. You're the best!"
"amazing experience working with TJ. super talented and patient. you can trust TJ with your project, great communication and very professional. thanks TJ"
"Stellar master, yet again. I didn't used to think that mastering could actually make my music sound all that much better, but good mastering can really make a good mix shine. Once I got my mixes to a certain point, a..."
"I can't say enough about Ethan C and his incredible vocal talent. The man knows how to sing and is one of the kindest souls I have ever met. He blessed me with his outstanding lead and background vocals on my album pr..."