Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Jacob Jolliff
I create and record music
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Small countryside Studio in the heart of the Netherlands with sleeping facilities
Isaac Bichachi is a classically trained composer and pianist as well a producer/mixer. He has composed/produced and mixed music for major TV networks, name brands and established as well as up and coming artists. Isaac is based in sunny Miami, Florida.
Hey guys my name Jamie Sharpe. I can record drum tracks professionally in a great environment and make them sound amazing.
It has always been my passion, to help clients achieve greater success, by delivering results that far exceed their expectations.
I will record great Flamenco and Acoustic guitars for your projects. Feel free to contact me and let me know what you are looking for. I can record Solo, rhythm guitar tracks, acoustic\electric - You name it. I have a variety of Guitars and equipment in my studio in order to make the Best music for you. I`m looking forward to working with you.
Your one stop shop for production, mixing, and mastering, with availability for live violin, piano, and keys.
My goal is to bring your vision to life.
I'm a multi-instrumentalist, producer, arranger, mixer, and songwriter. I can take your idea or half written song and bring it into fruition. I have a strong sensibility for detail and melody.
Recent Successes
"Great to work with Leanne again. As always quality vocals, good ideas and communication."
"Joel is a highly skilled producer and multi-instrumentalist, he helped me transform my dodgy acoustic demo into a full band 60s soul track, horns n all! Joel was very accomodating to my vision for the song, as wel..."
"Shrai worked very hard to make me happy. He had a fantastic attitude throughout the project and didn't mind doing whatever revisions were necessary to make the project great. Highly recommended."
"Jason is an Awesome musician and very understanding. He knows what he's doing and did a wonderful job! I'll definitely be back. Thanks Jason!"
"He's the best vocalist. Drew has a sweet and charming tone. There were many ideas that I didn't even think of. I'm going to make money. I'm gonna work with Drew again. Don't hesitate to work with Drew! He's the best!!..."
"Lexi is AMAZING! She is a super talented lyricist with an incredible voice and yet she is still so friendly and really easy to work with! She's definitely someone to lookout for in the future! I highly recommend!!"
"Great parts, great communication!"
"Very easy guy to get along with, will work with him again for sure!"
"Enjoyed the attention to detail that Cora brought to the project and her professionalism! She has all the qualities that I was looking for on this project and will definitely work with her in the future!"
"Thrilled to complete another song with Killian! Always such a pleasure to working with him. He really listens to what you want and delivers through and through. Booking my next song with him soon!"