Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with J. Maya
Want an engineer who cares as much about your song as you do? I care about helping songs reach their full potential for emotional impact! I don't have a "sound" per se, though I do LOVE punch, weight, excitement and sparkle. My approach is to honor each song as a unique sonic world, only making choices that enhance the message coming through.
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“Mixing is bringing clarity to art” I do as many revisions as necessary until your vision is clear. I’ve worked with stars such as Baby Bash, Big Gemini, Paula Deanda - and albums have won 9 awards. I am a specialist at Vocals and post production.
Music Producer and Piano Player with more than 7 years experience in music production and more than 12 years experience in playing piano!
I specialize in being versatile. I'm a one-stop shop for many different styles and sounds - everything from hard hitting rock to super light jazz.
Want your songs to have that polished professional sound but don't want to spend 10+ years learning the craft of audio engineering? I can help you take years off your career trajectory and have you playing with the big boys in no time!
Yo my name is Confidence I'm a rapper and songwriter my genres are hip hop and trap. It's been years to be a songwriter,I write songs every day you know is my passion. If you want some lyrics from me it's 20 dollars.
Come see streetgirls69 call girl service in Pune, if you want a full date with lots of erotica in an hour.
🇮🇹Specialized in tech house mix and master!! contact me for anything...
Recent Successes
"Dylan is a drum wizard! I've used him on multiple tracks, and he always adds something unique to each one. "
"Elieen is awesome! He did a badass vocal for my track, I love it! I will work with this girl again and again and again!"
"I have worked with Chris multiple times and he consistently delivers beyond incredible work! True expert and so grateful to be working with him."
"Aaron was able to produce the samples for my indoor percussion group to the exact specifications I had provided him with. He delivered high quality vocal samples within a timely manner and revised samples if we wanted..."
"Dan was very efficient and did a great job cleaning up some very basic live recordings. Also one of the quickest turnaround times I've had with mixing engineers. Recommend. "
"And again another SUPER CATCHY remix which will deliver my label yet another HIT Thanks Nate running out of words to describe how amazingly talented and what a great guy you are"
"Just wrapped up my first album working alongside Chris and what a great experience it's been. Chris made my recordings sound professionally mixed and he was a joy to work with him. Can't reccomend him enough! Thanks C..."
"I really couldn't recommend Jaime highly enough. Not only was she enthusiastic, reliable and a pleasure to work with - she also created phenomenal vocals for my track. So happy with the work Jaime did for this!"
"Another successful project with Freddie. He is a true professional, and he truly carried out my vision for my song. I hope to work with him again in the near future!"
"Kate is one of a kind; she brings a certain quality and creativity to the table in which I find quite rare. Her voice complimented my work very well and I highly recommend. Also, Kate is very professional and I will d..."