Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with J givens
I've sat under 9th wonder and the Soul Council; I make beats for your favorite artists.
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More providers:
Audio Engineer Sound Design Music Producer
we are good music producer
Been making music for a couple years also have connections with Tasha the Amazon!
I am a Content Creator
I am a Brazilian music producer, based in the city of Rio de Janeiro, specialized in building Beats of Rap, Hip Hop, Pop Music, Reggaeton and Brazilian percussive rhythms. I have a studio specialized in recording, mixing and mastering. In this way, we can combine the entire musical production process centralized in one place.
Are you seeking a professional music producer/mixing engineer who can work with you like your best buddy? Shoot me a text to bring your musical ideas and vision to life with top-tier sound!
I will help artists to find their sound by using creative mix and master processing for your vocals.
I will mix and master your song for free. I have experience producing music so I know my way around sounds and tools.
Recent Successes
"Bobby is ridiculous. His work was absolutely top notch. I will aggressively pursue working with him again..."
"Awesome job! Super easy to work with."
"She's the best!!"
"Daniel was great to work with we worked together and came out with a great song. we hit some rough patches however we were able to get through them with clear communication and perfect exicution "
"I have try many beat maker, and i was not always satifsied. But this job with franz was very good and have this quality what i want!! "
"Austin is truly a badass. Took a very rough draft and made it into magic."
"Vintage is truly amazing at what he does. Not only was his service top tier, but he was also very patient throughout the entire process and made sure he met every request. Strongly recommend."
"Carlos, not only works with you but delivers quickly and although my first master back was not what i was looking for, once i sent a reference track over, and he re focused, he delivered!! Top draw master Will use aga..."
"On time and spot on as always! Highly Recommended!"