Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with itaú
I have been working with artists and brands for over 10 years, producing and writing songs, touring, producing soundtracks, mixing and mastering songs. If you are looking for an original music for your career or brand I´ look forward to working on it! My specialties are: RnB, Soul, Brazilian music, Latin, Boombap, Trap, Drill and more!
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Hi, I'm Charlie Whiteside. If you want to sound as good as your favourite artist you've come to the right place.
Producer(keys, beats and guitars), I can arrange melody within the chords, I can write interesting arpeggio chords, ambient music within the beat. I can do song arrangement. I love space tones on the top of the long bass. The music that influence me the most is Hyperdub, Electronic music I spend 12 to 15 hours on the project. I use Acid pro 7
We do all-things "studio". And we love it.
Thessa Carina specializes in modern genres like: HipHop, R&B, Pop and Cinematic Music.
Professional, intentional, and fierce.
Multi-Instrumentist, producer and mix engineer. I will turn your demos and ideas into full Instrumentals or fully produced tracks.
As an amateur pop vocalist, I'm eager to collaborate with other budding producers to create exciting new music together.
Recent Successes
"More great music from my favorite writer. Thanks for always being available whenever I need ya!! "
"Contacted Matthew on Tuesday and I had the bass tracks for my song by Friday night! Very nice guy and easy to work with, he sent on two takes, one which I had given him set instructions for and one where he demonstrat..."
"Working with Betty was a pleasure and I would 100% work with her again. She did a great job and wrote an awesome topline for my song and recorded a great vocal performance. I had some really specific things in mind,..."
"It's always a joy and a great learning experience to work with Brooke. My project can't be realized without her singing on my demos. We have developed a great teamwork and chemistry over the years for which I'm ver..."
"When staying in Paris, I got in touch with Didier for producing my first song. We went on a magical journey, finding my sound and dynamics in my music and the song. Didier is very talented musician and producer. He un..."
"Kevin has worked a miracle once again. This time the idea was rougher when I brought it to him, and he still managed to bring his A-game and turn it into a stunning piece of art. If you need someone who elevates your ..."