Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with It's All Good
The right bass track will help to support your song and help drive all its moving pieces forward. I can bring you that track.
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Have a big experience.
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Searching for new Artist for several releases in 2020.
Drummer for The Ocean Blue. Engineer at Flowers Studio, Minneapolis. I've worked on hundreds of albums/songs as a session drummer, engineer, producer, mixer. https://www.moderndrummer.com/article/may-2020-peter-anderson-with-the-ocean-blue/
World Class Vocal Producer, Recording Engineer, Mix Engineer, Monitor Engineer, Problem Solver, Yogi, Creator of Light
I've been working with well known artists for the past 3 years and has seen the local turned International.
Robinson Senpauroca is an award-winning composer for film, television and theatre. Based in Paris, his scores have been featured in films in Europe and in the United States.
More than five years of experience. I'm a producer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist with mix culture, so my music is a big mixture of world, african, indian, and latin in the modern & organic pop-universe. I've worked with songwriters and producers all over the world, but mostly in my home Mauritius, and I've produced several songs for Artist
Recent Successes
"Sunnie is a total pro! Her communication is great and she is a very kind soul, and her voice will really blow you away! I gave her very little direction, and she sent back quality tracks, She didn't phone it in. She d..."
"Always a pleasure working with Austin, very fast response times and very understanding and willing to help with anything. Cheers Austin! "
"I love Zoltans musicality. He delivers a full round sound. Absolutely pro and a dream to work with. Such a joy!"
"Dan was a consummate professional in dealing with my word salad and turn that into something special for my wife’s birthday! Your voice and interpretation of what I wanted into a masterpiece was unexpected, yet, s..."
"Professional and emotional singer. Fantastic as always. Wonderful voice and perfect interpretation of my song."