Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with irvan borneo - karindangan
Dolby Atmos / Spatial Audio Mix Engineer Stereo Mix Engineer & Mastering Engineer
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I pride myself on being versatile and experimental. I believe music is spiritual and is all about capturing the essence and magic of the moment. With 12 years of experience , over 10 album and hundreds of songs to my credit, I believe I'm more than capable of helping you bring the music in your head to life, and interpret it the best possible way.
I'm an eager Songwriting and Music Production graduate and a lifelong Pop Music enthusiast. Let's write something no one can get out of their heads!
Online Educational Assistance
Established Producer ready to write your next hit! Credits with SONY ATV. I'm an LA based producer/songwriter excited to create your next big song. I have been doing studio work for massive artists (such as Post Malone, Justin Bieber, Charlie Puth, BTS, Ariana Grande, Black Pink).
ººProfesional Mixing and Mastering Results; Hard and careful mixing and mastering work; the nice round low end, the full mid range and very HD top end. Focused on HipHop, Indie, Alternative Rock and Underground. Not here to sell you smoke; Will work with pure love and dedication in any project. Full In The Box. ¡¡¡Profesional results guaranteed!!!
Affordable Amazing Quality Mixes!! I work with you to get the sound you like on your tunes, at a reasonable rate!
Recent Successes
"Another great experience working with Diego, I hope to work on my sixth song with him soon! Very professional and courteous."
"What can I say!? By far our most favorite singer here on Soundbetter. Think we already did like 4 or 5 projects with her - she nailed it every single time. Cheers! <3"
"I am yet to see anyone that can match the level of this man's writing prowess and lyrical ability. Fast, superb and hit-making music every time. It will be insane not to work with him while he is still available here."
"Absolutely amazing, had a great time working together"
"Bella is an incredible talented songwriter. She delivered high quality vocals in such a short time. I can really recommend her! "
"Noah is so talented! Other than having an absolutely beautiful voice, she approaches and performs each song with such intelligence, you can hear she is a very skilled musician as well. "
"Always amazing working with Ara! His melodies and lyrics perfectly captured what I was going for! My go-to writing partner. Highly recommend, your songs and ideas will be in good hands with him!"
"You will not be disappointed. We have done a lot of tracks together. He always delivers top-notch, professional vocals, songwriting, amazing. "
"Beth has a great voice and great to work with, thanks!"