Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Inwood
After over 5 years of working with Thomas "Plec" Johansson in The Panic Room studio, I've honed my skills, adapting to his unique sound, and staying current with industry trends.
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I offer remote mixing and mastering. I work with acts to bring their mixes to the next level, irrespective of their recordings. With the availability of recording technology, many are confident enough to record themselves, but often fall short when it comes to mixing.
My 25+ years in the Nashville trenches making records as a session drummer and producer, along with all the friendships and connections I've been fortunate to make within the entire spectrum of the music business, this is what I enjoy sharing with artists I work with.
Guitarist, Multi-Instrumentalist, Producer, Composer, Singer/Songwriter, Studio Owner and Engineer. Paul is used to wearing any or all of these hats. Since the early eighties right up to the present, Paul has and continues to contribute to some of the most iconic and recognizable popular music.
Live work has included Jamiroquai, Steve Winwood, Markus Feehily, Eliza, Katy B
I'm best known as the bassist of CSNY and Stephen Stills Manassas. I started out with Eddy Grant and the Equals. I've played with legendary acts like Jimi Hendrix, Manassas, Alvin Lee, Taj Mahal, Mick Taylor, Steve Winwood, Eric Clapton, and Herbie Mann. I've played on soundtracks such as The Who's Tommy and on Taj Mahal's Mulebone.
Played live/filmed/recorded with Eric Clapton, B.B. King, Paul Rogers, Joe Bonamassa, John Hiatt. I will ALWAYS serve the song which has kept me working at the highest level internationally for decades. Recorded/toured 2005-2014 with Joe Bonamassa - 8#1 CDs & 2 #1 DVDs and over 250 MILLION streams across all platforms and major chart success.
Working as a recording artist and session musician building a reputation as a knowledgeable, versatile and authentic world-class drummer and percussionist.
Jeff Porcaro's mom Eileen called my groove 'The beat of luck'. I'm an award winning session drummer from the Netherlands. I want to help you making an amazing record by recording the 'beat of luck' for your next music project, single or album.
Recent Successes
"I had an all around pleasant experience with Brian. He was quick to return messages, answer and questions and or give any feedback. Even though i didn't have the correct content needed for the job he was still able to..."
"Her voice is amazing!"
"Prompt, proficient & professional. These 3 Ps define Nando. He works on the record until you're absolutely satisfied with it. Loved his energy."
"I can hardly find stupid words to explain my reaction to the end result of choosing to work with Daniel..... OMFG!!!!!TIGHT!!!! (listening now) He is masterful.... truly inspired percussionist!!! We conjured up th..."
"Yuri did a great job with this track! He even added a nice bit of transition production to help make the track cohesive and flow better. Awesome collaborative process as always! "
"He plays guitar on level 6 of 10 levels. The quality is ok. He ignored my instructions (sended a video, told him like in the video) so i think he have not the right skill to play like the guitar kid on AGT with clap o..."