Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Into the Silver Ether
Awarding-winning composer of full-length/short film (esp. documentary, horror), TV (PBS), and chamber music (throughout Europe and North America). I am also an arranger (strings, orchestra), performer (viola, percussion, keyboard), conductor, and audio engineer (recording, editing, mixing, mastering).
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During nearly 15 years of sound career, I managed to try myself out in most of the possible fields, genres & roles: from recording & mixing classical music to recording and mixing Merzbow concert; winning awards for composing music to theatre, as well as for sound design to a movie. I think I can call myself a special taskforce for your project!
Mix / Master / Drums
Self-taught 5 instruments so far, and counting! I also do ALL of my personal and band's music and video recordings.
Welcome to ALC Sound Design Studio. We are a team of sound designers, musicians, experts, who collaborate in the field of music production with the aim of producing emerging and professional artists and providing absolutely professional services in the music world.
Tired of hearing the same. Let's do something different. Harto de escuchar la misma vaina. Hagamos algo distinto
I know what singer/songwrites need, becuase I am one. I always focus on supporting the vocal and making a track feel great. I love the art of recording, and want to help you make your creative vision a reality!
I am a screamer and singer for any genre that could be considered heavy, from Deathcore to Emo I have you covered.
I make your song ideas a reality and label ready!
Recent Successes
"Great vocals, great service, great value. Hope to be working with Matt many more times. Thanks :)"
"I've done 4 songs now with Timmy, and what can I say, the guy is brilliant ... it was quite specialised 'preservation/re-invigoration work' I gave him but with lots of great communication he managed to improve on the ..."
"Yoad Nevo is always the best choice to master my tracks... I never saw a person with such kindness treating the costumers. The end results of his mastering service is always amazing. Than you very much Yoad Nevo...."
"It was a pleasure to work with 89Keys! Filip did great pop production on my vocal track and I really love the whole vibe of it! Thanks so much! :) "
"Awesome job as usual! I appreciate the communication and attention to detail with every gig!"
"When it came time to mix and master our third album, we wanted to work with someone new. Rob stood out as someone with a lot of experience who could provide that "next-level" value that wouldn't be out of our reach. I..."
"Another round with Andres and the team. Always a pleasure. Will definitely be back!!"
"Great to work with Jess. She has an amazing and unique voice. Additionally, she was able to perform difficult parts in my song, such as key change and blue note without any problems. I appreciate her deep understandin..."