Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Into Shadow
My name is Juan Canteli and I'm a Berklee trained guitarist, songwriter and recording engineer. I'm lover of all styles of music and can help bring your tracks to fruition. Whether you need acoustic guitars, wailing guitar solos, crushing riffs or just that little bit extra to fill things out, I'm here to help.
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Passionate and versatile music producer, musician, composer and mix & master engineer. Depth knowledge of various music styles and how to program them in various digital audio workstations. I have composed for Warner Chappel artist, UMG, LEVI'S Strauss, independent artists, enterprises, ... and mixed and mastered songs professionally since 2015.
Hi, I'm a mixing engineer from Berlin. My mixes have been featured on a million-listener official Spotify playlist e.g. Melis - Apex in All-New Indie. Robert
Need an instrumental to be built from scratch? Want your vocals to shine? Worried that your recordings are too quiet and noisy? Or perhaps you just don’t know how your song should sound… well, look no further!
Techno, Techno and maybe techno !
Trinity's Record, we are a Record Label/Online Store. Owned by an artist helping artists do what artists do "CREATE"
I will play the accordion with taste. believe me)
THE FIRST 5 WORKS ON THIS PLATFORM IT'S FREE!!! I am dedicated to delivering high-quality mixes that not only meet but exceed industry standards. Whether you're looking to refine a single track or produce a full album, I’m here to collaborate and elevate your music to new heights. Let’s create something extraordinary together!
Creative sound producer and mixing engineer
Recent Successes
"Mike did an incredible job in bringing my song to life through his mix. He was helpful, patient, and overall an indispensable resource throughout the whole mixing process. Would love to work together again with Mike i..."
"Even when the song has no business being played on a piano, Diego is always game. I've worked with a lot of pianists who can't handle the trial by error, play by the heart methods we've been using to make sure we get ..."
"I've had the pleasure of working with Sefi Carmel for the entire process of mixing and mastering my forthcoming album. His work has been of the highest quality and his technical and creative input has greatly enhanced..."
"Great working with Emma, it was fast and well done."
"Bunny's vocal was perfect for my project. Her tone is very cool and she gave the song the attitude that I was after!! She delivered very organised and professional stems which made my job mixing so much easier! ..."
"Philip is an very talented arranger and player!!! He works again with me on an indie rock song and his delivery was amazing!!! It's a great honor for me to work with!!! "
"Pat always goes above and beyond. He’s the only person I trust to take my tracks to. I couldn’t be happier and I’m excited for the next on."
"Super talented artist and vocalist with a unique and versatile sound. Alanna is very professional and an absolute pleasure to work with. Her recordings are flawless. Most importantly, she delivered a beautiful vocal p..."