Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with internacional cali
The only key to success is consistency and here I am to make the best possible beat of your musical career!
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I´m a beatmaker, mixing & mastering engineer.
I've worked with artists such as CJ Ramone, Carlos Vives, Ruben Blades, Spice Lawson, Omara Portuondo and many more. I've been awarded with 3 Grammys and 5 Latin Grammys, so you know my work will be up to your standards. I'm also a Waves Plugins, Sonimus Plugins, IK Multimedia Plugins and Izotope Plugins Artist.
Do you want to have a Crispy sounding mix but you ain't got the big bucks to afford it. Don't Worry i Got You!
Hello, my name's James Maximilian Jason and I'm a long-time sound engineer, musician and composer. I earned a professional sound engineer degree with flying colours, followed by two professional degrees in advanced mixing and mastering. I want to put my skills at the service of emerging musicians and interesting bands to make their dreams come true
Drummer. Vocalist. Music Producer. Editor. Programmer. Beat Maker. Sound Designer. Pro Tools ACT (Avid Certified Trainer). Years of experience teaching Music Production at university level. I hold a Master's degree in Music Psychology. My approach is an emotional one, in which I intend to serve the music and its vision.
I'm a Los Angeles-based audio engineer, music producer, songwriter, musician, and overall art enthusiast. Dedicated to taking your recordings to the next level while keeping the human element intact.
Offering music production for your album, game, movie or any other project.
I'm a song writer from France, vocals, guitarist and one man band, I compose for other artists, play guitar, sing and can do voices (ballad, rockabilly, rock, country, and french style).
Recent Successes
"Max has vision and real artistic creativity in music composition! Truly a huge help in making my new song a Reality "
"Kevin goes above and beyond on everything we work on - putting both heart and a high level of professionalism into the project. He has a sharp ear for detail, and a beautiful musicality he brings to his production. Ca..."
"If you want the best quality well DEANIUS is the way to go!"
"Awesome vocals! Awesome lyrics. Would definitely recommend working with Tony B. He will deliver. He will make you shiver. Vocals as smooth as a river. Prepare to quiver."
"NaGem was a pleasure to work with. She responded quickly, was professional, and easy to talk to. She understood what my end goal was a delivered a beautiful vocal ahead of schedule."
"Nate is incredibly talented and always puts great work into his craft. Never disappoints and I look forward to working with him again!"
"World's best master engineer!!! The dynamic of the song is just perfect. And I'm not only satisfied with the track, but also glad that I've learned so many loudness technics from him. Thx."
"Another perfect job from Eddy with the mix master for us. He just manages to get our vision and bring out the absolute most out of our productions every single time"
"Fabulous job by Austin as always 5 stars!! Now firmly seated on my mixing and productin team with a stack of material coming through and heading his way. Exciting to see the results in 2023 :)"