Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Insect Surfers
15 yr session and live musician specializing in drum set and percussion.
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Live Sound - Contact for pricing Studio mixing - Contact for pricing
I am a Music Producer and a live Sound Engineer. With years of experience and training. Mastering is even offered. As far as studio time that all depends upon you Budget.
Sudarshan is a Hollywood Pop Singer-Songwriter Sensation & Music Composer. Known For The Prolific Use Of A.I. and Machine Learning Algorithms In Arts, He Weaves Aural Magic With His NextGen Software Synth. He is a Berklee Certified Musician. He has an Uber-Cool Discography as Featured Artist on 150+ Musical Streaming Platforms across 183 Countries.
I specialize in blending and bending genres. I have an ear for different stuff. I prefer experimentation in my work process and I hope you do too :).
Independent A&R for the K-Pop Market
I've toured Africa and Europe playing keys for thousands of people, but when I'm in front of my keyboard in my own musical space, I try to tour the universe. I'm growing more and more into my sound every day, and I'd love to be able to bring my unique character and playing style to your next musical project.
Toujours à la recherche de l émotion pour mes compositions !!! et pour les vôtres !! 😊
Transform your orchestra's sound with my custom, creative arrangements tailored for the finest ensembles worldwide
Recent Successes
"I feel blessed to have had Jayson Echo on my track. He's a phenomenal talent and went above and beyond my expectations. Don't be surprised to see his name on Madison Square Garden or The Hollywood Bowl soon. Con..."
"Great Vocalist, I love working with Robin !!"
"You can count on Steve to nail it! He has surpassed my expectations on every song we've done together. He's the man!"
"Once again, Andres delivered a stunning master that elevated our song to its highest potential. We really appreciate him putting in the effort for each one of our songs. "
"Another outstanding piece of work delivered by Ryan - he is my personal favorite on this platform! Working consistently with Ryan on multiple tracks - always highest quality result, amazing communication and super fas..."
"Tarek did an amazing job mixing and mastering my songs. His attention to detail and innate sense of a captivating musical style resulted in final mixes I will treasure forever! He’s extremely talented, professional,..."
"Mark was very receptive to my requests . He really understands the art and science of sound! "
"Chuck is my #1 go to rhythm specialist! Great ear and always collaborative and fun. "