Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with inoarb
With over 10 years of experience in Music Production and Sound Engineering.
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Im mostely used to mixing Metal/Death metal/Rock But it would be fun to work on more genres!
musician/producer based out of Los Angeles, CA
I would be glad to help with the topline and/or the vocals of your song to create very unique and catchy melodies ! I can create a powerful hook for your chorus, work on the structure of your song to keep the listener engaged, suggest changes in lyrics, or create them from scratch so they perfectly match the melody!
Modan Gāru provides Audio and Music Post-Production built around our client’s requirements and needs: - Sound/ Music Branding for Commercials and promo videos; - Soundtracks for Film & Animation projects, Trailers, corporate videos; - Production Music.
Bass Singer
I would like to produce new and creative musics.
People wont notice that you recorded in your bedroom, trust me. Let me mix your song.
I've recorded and mixed 3 albums for Bryan Adams in 2022 alone, including the Grammy Nominated "So Happy it Hurts". I work out of The Warehouse Studio in Vancouver BC as an engineer by-contract and have spent many months travelling the world recording and mixing various projects.
Recent Successes
"Amazing service very quick, professional he knew exactly what I was going for! Thank you Jimmy!"
"Philip is a very professional and experienced producer. Even though our project was very technical ( a traditional song from Pakistan), Philip handled it with patience and created a sound that did justice to the liter..."
"Chad blessed my tracks all around, really love the work he did on the transitions. Super quick too"
"This was my first time with Soundbetter and lucky me I got Shelley H. because she nailed my vision 100 %. She was really kind and delivered what I ordered even better I ever could imagine by squeezing out her soul in..."
"I recently recorded a song with Dan and I can't recommend him enough. Throughout the entire process, he was incredibly supportive, patient, and positive. Not having recorded in a while, I was a bit nervous. But Dan..."
"Dylan is a whole different level another, he managed to get the exact perfect vibe and also SOUND I had in mind. He's also great to communicate with, prompt and responsive and patient in understanding what I was going..."
"I asked Ayman for middle eastern percussions and a Drum groove. He delivered with Excellent performance and clear recordings. I'm likely to work with him again."
"Beyond expectancy ! Daramola did deliver VERY FAST and it was a banger! Hope to work again , really happy with the song. Songwriting was on point, vocal quality, speed was excellent! Let's gooo!!"
"Working with Kipper was a dream. He is professional in every way and went more than the extra mile to make the song spectacular. Our communication was seemless and easy. I highly recommend him."