Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with including dialogue
Your vision guides my sound Together, we create the perfect soundtrack for your story Turning concepts into art from start to finish
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We are an audio recording and mixing studio located on the border of Queens/Brooklyn NY. Contact us today for your audio needs.
Hi, my name is Skyler "Sky" Harris. I'm a vocal producer, singer-songwriter and session vocalist from Memphis, TN. I have experience singing all genres of music including Pop, R&B/Soul, Hip Hop, and Gospel.
Producer, Drummer, Topliner.
I have independently written, recorded, and released 20 albums. I am a Hip Hop artist, songwriter, and performer. I spent 6 years working in radio (Radio One & Clear Channel) as an on-air personality and jingle writer. I am known for the speed at which I write songs. I have recently had success in the area of sync licensing. niteowlhiphop.com
Hi! i´m versatile producer and songwriter with releases on Warner/Knightvision & Bliss Corporation. i´m looking forward to be your ghost producer. Pssst! (High quality-Affordable prices)
Professional musician, record label owner, and producer.
Independent A&R for the K-Pop Market
Songwriter, mixing and singer of any type of urban music.
Recent Successes
"Yann is a genius and, if you don't choose him, then I think you are dumb."
"It was a pleasure collaborating with Carlo. Very up front and honest about delivery time and puts tons of effort into doing his best to make the song production better. The Sax parts I received from Carlo are very hea..."
"What can I say? Another STUNNING interpretation and performance from Kimera. I worry that she'll raise the price to 1,000 on me one day because she knows I'd pay it. Lol. Kimera is my go too and has become one of ..."
"Raena is very talented and easy to work with. Her vocals are very high quality. Highly recommended!"
"Matt is definitely one of the best mixers i’ve worked with, his sound quality is superb and he’s really flexible and easy going to work with, Bravo 👏🏾 "
"Producer bLiNd provided me with the extra tracks I requested, some hand claps, FX, etc., and they were just what I needed to finish my instrumental. They fit into my mix perfectly, and now I'm hoping for the agencies..."
"I can always count on Yoed for a beautiful and creative performance. Highly recommended!!"
"Very chill master"
"The guy is brilliant :) "