Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with INACTION
Services: - Keyboardist - Session Keyboardist. - Remote Mixing - Remote Mastering - Composer. - Music Producer. - Sound Designer. - Music Teacher (Spanish). - Artist/Endorser of CME Pro, Arturia, - Artist Support of Audialab, Krotos Audio, PluginGuru. For more information or contact me at contact@brauliomorales.com
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I'm a music producer and DJ from Argentina! I've been working in the industry since a young age. My music was released on major labels such as Anjunabeats and Armada Music. My production services go from Pop/R'n'B to the wide world of electronic music. I also have knowledge in mixing and mastering (especially for dance music).
A freelance music producer from Omaha, NE. I’m a recent student at Academy of Art University with a speciality in Music Production in Sound & Visual Media.
rhythms with a lot of Latin flavor, commercial sounds and different sounds, combined with harmonies digestible by the public
| Electric Guitar | Acoustic Guitar | Steel Guitar | Authentic guitar tones supporting the vibe of your track! Delivering everything from funky single note lines and timeless acoustic pickin' to ambient pedal steel guitar pads. Worked on Pop, Singer/Songwriter, Rock, TV, movie and commercial music sessions.
The vision of the artist and the music with emotion-filled mixes is my first priority.
I’m here on SoundBetter to connect and grow with great music people. I'd love to chat about your project.
Professional singer, songwriter, and recording artist with over a decade of experience in vocal recording and producing music, & more than 80,000 fans and counting. If you want to take your songs to the next level, you've come to the right place.
Reached over 15k streams on all platforms.
Recent Successes
"Fantastic work on vocals from Alex. Fast, to-the-point, processes tracks actually sounding super-natural - exactly as if they were not processed! Got the final product exactly as we wanted it - and a bit more. Stron..."
"Henry is a sensitive and artistic mixer! The results are always surprising and exciting. He's also very curious about your artistic needs and whims, and does an amazing job with notes. You will get something unique - ..."
"I am happy with the quality of the vocals provided by Jason, and his excellent customer service."
"Keyzus is very meticulous and patient. I really like the direction he took in mixing and mastering my song. I felt like he was just as invested as I was in getting the project just right. I also liked how he returned..."
"Just complete my first mix and mastering with Simon. As always it's very easy to work with Simon. Always ready to provide a satisfying result. I highly recommend him. "
"5 Stars as usual for Master Marco"
"Kimera is the main singer I use for my songs. Reason why? She is simply amazing at what she does thats why. I know for a fact that when I give her a song she will hit it out the park for me each and every time. If you..."