Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with IHAYES
I am an alternative pop and R&B artist, I do specialize in other genres to. I have a catalogue of music on all platforms and I’ve been on countless of blogs and I also walked runways . I love creating music and working with others to create music. If you would like make a song together hit me up!
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I haven't worked with any top Billboard artists, but I have more then 20 years of experience working with local artists.
Im what you need. I have been writing songs for several years and it is a passion of mine. With thousands of songs written in my portfolio Im sure I can bring the emotion and idea your looking for to your audience.
Singalong melodies, honest lyrics, song poetry and friendliness
Professional work, hundreds of credits, and countless happy clients. The work is done out of Pro Tools through a Vintage Yamaha console with access to ample plugins, and great outboard gear.
With an individual focus on what your song needs, I capture its emotions and bring your mix to life.
Gifted Music Producer with 7 years of building fantastic sound tapestries and taking artists to the next level.
Recent Successes
"Mr. Emery nailed the mastering for my tracks as always!! I am extremely happy especially with this one. I am learning so much from his constructive criticism on my mixes. Thank you again and see you soon with another ..."
"Natalie is a real pro and a gifted vocalist. She took the time, even before I accepted her proposal, to think about what key would work best for my song and she even gave me a sample of how it would sound. That saved..."
"Chris gave me exactly what I was looking for. Great taste and quick with the turn around. "
"Jaki has a special talent and is very professional. I especially like some of the unexpected twists she brings. I'm looking forward to working with her again. "
"I know searching for someone to help on your project can be scary and overwhelming, after all those songs are our babies. Thats why if you’re looking for an honest review, this is your sign. Julian is such a magician ..."
"11/10 Will work in the future for sure"
"Todd did a truly excellent job mastering our tracks for our upcoming release. He was really easy to work with, and we will certainly be repeat customers!"
"The best mastering engineer on PLANET EARTH!"
"Sophia is incredibly talented, communicative, and super professional. She was so easy to collab with and I was blown away by her vocal work. She took my instrumental and the very limited direction I gave her and reall..."