Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ichiyo Izawa
You poured out your heart, so you need to surround yourself with people you can rely on to help you make it the best it can be. As an experienced sound engineer by training, I’m confident that I can assist you in creating the music of your dreams by using a production and engineering approach that is democratic and centered on your artistic vision.
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Im the better in my place!
I'm looking forward to be on your track!
Lets take your musical idea and transform it into a recorded work of art!
Played the electric guitar for 20 years and played in metal and rock pop bands, lots of experience playing on concerts. Has a prog metal instrumental solo project and can compose, record, mix and master alone. Willing to record some good rock guitars for your songs. Can create compelling and realistic demos really fast using MIDI and VSTs.
Yo! I’m an artist who loves collaborating when I’m not working on my own music. I’ve got a bit of a huskier voice than most gals, but so far, it’s working out for me. I tend to be a rather emotional singer, so if you’ve got a real-tear jerker, I’d love to make everyone cry for you. Or we can just keep it light & fun... I'm versatile :)
UK Songwriting Contest Finalist. Talented lyricist and topliner available to take your songs to the next level.
Excellent contemporary vocals from soft toplines to belty high notes. Excels at all genres from rock to musical theater. I have sung and written for projects such as Disney's Muppets, Pretty Little Liars, and Good Trouble.
With over 4 million views on YouTube (@MetasinMusic), my music has resonated with listeners around the world, blending lyrics that make you question your existence with melodies that get stuck in your brain all day.
Recent Successes
"Without question working with Gaetan in mixing one of my songs was a great experience. He was very supportive in ensuring I gave him what he needed to mix the song properly & also helped me on the technical side in ge..."
"Love working with this guy! He has a really unique guitar sound. "
"Effortless collaboration and perfect result. Gabriele made a backing track of a popular song from the 70s for me."
"I enjoyed my first mixing/mastering project with Rob and recommend him. He's knowledgeable, detail-oriented and honest. When I provided specific feedback, he accomplished the goal to be sure I was satisfied in a timel..."
"I had just completed my first song that I had been working on for quite some time. I had a vision for the song and how I wanted the final mix and master to sound. Some things were not sounding as I had intended, but J..."
"I am super happy with Lauras Bass an my track, she has a great style and delivers top quality!"
"Once again Qerenne sent over some lovely vocals. Just what I needed. "
"Will was fantastic to work with - so professional, enthusiastic and talented. We made the 5 tracks we planned and I was really pleased with them, and with both his preparation and the enjoyable nature of the session. ..."