Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with I Want You - OBLVYN
Hi, I'm Tianda! I am an artist, songwriter & topliner with 14 years experience writing both female & male toplines in all genres.
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Sound Engineer and Beat aker
I have been working as a musician in the recording industry since 1996. I started out in London, cutting my teeth as a guitarist in a band with a record deal with A&M records. I now live and work in Amsterdam as a songwriter and producer. I have a small project studio with a hybrid analogue/digital setup, and happily face to face or remotely.
Worldwide Humanitarian Award † Lifetime Achievement Award winning entertainment visionary, chart topping ReverbNation #1 Malibu Singer Songwriter Steven Kronick, showcased on RollingStone, Billboard, MTV, VH1, Country Music Television, TIDAL, Genius, was named one of the nation's "Most Promising Artists,” became an "Essential LA Singer Songwriter."
Experienced session cellist, film composer, string arranger, producer/engineer and Grammy nominated songwriter who's known for work with Drake, Arcade Fire, Haim, Ed Sheeran, Tiesto etc. Expert at bringing modern concept string sounds of all kinds to your recording project or film. Original concepts, high quality delivery.
Veteran DJ and producer, Brian Ireland, has been making records since you were a sparkle in your mother’s eye. A multi- genre recording artist and sound engineer, Mr. Ireland has curated the diverse pulse of the Toronto music scene for the last 25 years. Technical finesse and project execution are his trademarks.
Hi! I'm Ollie and I am a Music Graduate from the University of Surrey and an ADAM Audio Scholar. I have been playing guitar for 14+ years and have experience in live performance, composition and music production. I specialize in Hard Rock, Pop and other contemporary styles, however I have experience working in a multitude of genres.
Professional mixing, mastering, and music production all in one place! As an mix engineer, drummer, bassist, and vocalist, I'm here to take your music to the next level. Let's bring your sound vision to life!"
Mixing and mastering engineer for over 10 years
Recent Successes
"Deliver's quickly but more importantly to a high standard. Constantly present to communicate with. Interesting personal style used aswell."
"Very quick and responsive and first delivered samples so we could choose which direction to take. Cool voice and good Singer, I’d recommend him."
"Pow pow pow. Bea was just incredible, amazing. No words to describe the quality of the work. Recording at the best level, vocal arrangements wonderful and superb fresh voice. We will, no doubt, work again soon."
"Two words to describe Michael “ultimate pro” - he literally takes what you give him and elevates it, every single time!!! Super easy to communicate with, and always fun going on a musical journey with him :) look no f..."
"3rd time we work together! This was the best of the lot! Must be the corona cause she was locked in! Fire verse fire track. Always seem to come back to her when i need it done right! I’m hooked to her hooks. "
"Great experience, as always. That was the last song of a 5-song EP. Alex helped us achieve our vision, and we’re very please with the result !"
"Pablo’s mastering job was superb! I expected it to be good, but when I heard the mastered version of my song, I was speechless. There is a refined quality to my song due to Pablo’s great mastering. Moreover, he is an ..."
"Phenomenal singer and songwriter. He was brilliant and brought my idea to life. I will be back!"
"This is not the first and far from the last time I've worked with B4MixedIt. If you're looking for someone who not only respects, listens and appreciates the artist they're working with, than look no further because y..."