Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hyper Latino
Are you looking to improve your Idea or Song? Are you looking for live instruments not just sound design? Finally are you having trouble finishing your song? Look no further I am here to make sure all these and more gets covered to produce the best track possibly for you! Nothing matters more than the music you create, lets get that voice heard.
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Sound Designer and Head Sound for Burn The Floor, an internationally touring theatrical production. Derek has been an audio engineer for over 20 years, progressing from homemade 8 tracks demos for himself and musician friends to mixing bands in bars to covering all aspects of audio for international theatre productions.
Here to make your songs sound amazing!! Hello! My name is Jonathan "J.Bonkaz" Howard. I am a platinum producer, song writer and mix engineer. I have been in the music business for about 20 years. I have worked on multi-platinum selling artist's projects such as 50 Cent, Cyhi Tha Prynce, Bobby V., Big Sean, Roscoe Dash, Red Cafe, Lil Zane and more.
A one-stop shop for independent artists, bands and musicians.
I can find the melody and words to tell the story you have started with your music
The guitar tracks and production you need! I've played and toured with projects as diverse as Nashville artists, heavy metal tribute acts, to an ex-Spice Girl.
provably fair technology
Come get a slice of the Spooky Lukey universe, from glitz to grime and everything in between, it's sugar, space, and plenty of bass. Give me a ring and we can chat about your imagination's wildest corners and see what comes out of it.
Mastering is about helping artists communicate their musical vision to their listeners. That's all!
Recent Successes
"I told Sims this was utter perfection and those words alone do not do it justice! "
"Dark Star should be called BRIGHT STAR ! I tremendously enjoyed my first mix/master with DS. Skill and proficiency are not enough to get a good outcome. Communication is also vital and with DS I found it to be smooth..."
"as said many time before me: Hugo is a real professional at the highest levels. I had a very detailed vision for the sound of my song, and Hugo was patient in every step and deliver me a great balanced, rich with dept..."
"Pure 🔥 every time, search for Fate’s Frontier on Apple Music and Spotify to hear what we’ve been working on!"
"Alex is an absolutely talented producer and musician. He really understood to my ideas and brought them to life. The most important is that he is so easy to communicate with, which makes everything much easier, and de..."
"Great experience, great singer and excellent quality of stems. Also, the backing vocals were superb as well."
"This is my second time working with Pol on piano compositions, and surely not the last! "
"Simon did an amazing job again and I can’t wait to work with him on the final song on this album! Highly recommend his services!"