Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Huseyin Can Pala
Confidence in myself springs from the belief that I craft tunes unheard by your ears before.
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hi i have 4 years mixing and mastering music experience with 2 audio production qualifications at a distinction level
singer songwriter turned producer. i help songwriters and filmmakers bring their vision to life whether arranging, producing or just doing an overdub on guitar-piano-vocal.
Saintpid is all about relationships, I'll help you take your project through the last step with transparency, technical and creative feedback and a constantly open mind.
Active in the music business since 1997. Mastering, mixing, producing and releasing both own and others productions in the genres of Rock, Electronic, Experimental, Ambient, Industrial, Cinematic and soundscapes. Founder of Vicious Records and collaborator with ie. Thomas Wydler (The Bad Seeds), Zef Noise (Psychic TV, Peter Murphy) and many more.
Electric bass and guitar player ,15 years experience in all genres . I promise you won't be dissapointed. I can go between simple and steady bass lines , to artistic and out of the box with a unique feel. I love pedals and effects , if you want to add more special colour to your tracks.
Under the alias, "VAANCE," I have accumulated over 5 million streams with my original music. I have over a decade of experience in composition, production, vocal processing, and mixing & mastering. I attended the College Conservatory of Music and have played festivals such as Ohio's famed "Numbers Fest" and "Breakaway Music Festival."
Remote in-the-box mixing and mastering services for heavier music genres.
Hey! My name is Aaron and I'm a producer and head engineer at Fab Factory Studios. I've produced records for Atlantic, Monstercat, APG, Photofinish, Spinnin Records and have accumulated almost 100 million streams from production alone. I currently specialize in Dolby Atmos mixing for music as well as stereo mixing.
Recent Successes
"Camilo is the best mastering engineer on here. He brings your project to the next level. Don't waste your time with anyone else. HUGUENOT"
"Austin has been the most reliable creative and professional producer I've worked with! Always a great output and A class results. Highly recommend! "
"We've almost done 3 albums worth of tunes at this point, and Chris continues to impress me with his performances and writing. Here's to 4 albums! "
"Leo's a fantastic find and brilliant pianist! I've put him through some stresses with the messes of my demos. And with pure professionalism and class he comes out the other side every time with polished, brilliant fi..."
"Once again, great cooperation full of professionalism! Sophie is an exceptional singer and has a great feel for the songs! I recommend it and I look forward to further cooperation!"
"Loved working with Graham. He's a great collaborator. His creativity brought ideas to the mix that I wouldn't of thought of on my own. He listens closely to you, and then expands on what you've said to make the most o..."
"I love working with Laurel. She nails the performance and style I'm looking for and plays so beautifully, breathing life and emotion into my music. At all times she is professional, friendly and kind. I look forwar..."
"It was a pleasure working with Juan. I sent him a virtual sax part, he kept the melody and changed the phrasing so it flows better and more natural and the end result sounds awesome! Great playing and sound. I'll defi..."