Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Huckleberry Road
Whether Shoegaze, Grunge, Hardcore, Dream Pop, Indie, Country, or Soul, impactful and vibrant mixes are vital for all modern genres in order to compete in the oversaturated music market of todays world. My name is Colin Christian and I have dedicated my life to making the most engaging records I can with my clients.
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If you are looking to create your own unique sound, you came to the right place! Professional quality and serious songwriting skills by a very creative producer who will help you sound like no one else.
Hello everybody, i'm a professional musician and producer, since 1990 I love to experiment in the universe of electronic music.
Hustle Holik Entertainment home of the,Hustle Music,Trap,Neo Soul,Rhythem&Blues,R&B,HipHop,Gospel,Reggae,&Country.
im the worst
High-energy & epic rock guitars are my specialty. Guitarist for heavy punk/metal band American Terror (feat. members of Skid Row & Sugar Ray), signed to Megadeth bassist David Ellefson’s EMP Label Group. I've tracked with producers Mike Clink & Rick Beato and performed internationally with American Idol/Voice artists.
Grammy Award-winning songwriter who seeks artists in need of solid record production. The catch: Artist will need funding.
The best in the business trust me with their music. I'm a Juno Award Winning Producer/Engineer/Bassist/Guitarist and FOH audio engineer. A well trained ear with obsessive attention to detail.
Recent Successes
"I had a great experience working with Jon and Small Fish Studio. Jon was patient and really worked hard to making my music sound great in mixing and mastering it. He listened and addressed my concerns tweaking and per..."
"it has been an absolute pleasure working with Grammy. Her vocals are amazing. The communication the whole process was second to none. thanks again and i look forward to working with her in the future. A+++"
"Romy was awesome to work with. I sent her a different type of track to get her vocals and topline. She absolutely crushed it. Rather than enhance what was currently there, she took it to the next level and opened my m..."
"I would recommend to work with Elsa Any day. She was invested in the process and asked the right questions so that we were on the same page about the job. Also she did the work professionally and really fast even if I..."
"KUYANO mastered my track. He made a very good job, I'm super happy. It was important for him, that I am satisfied with the result. And he was patient with me, and very professional. I'm looking forward to work with KU..."
"Eileen always does amazing work! She composes and produces magic music every time. Whatever style of song I have ever asked for, she consistently creates with professional excellence."
"Obviously a pro. Fast turnaround. Friendly and great to work with. Will be returning for more."
"Great to work with Baol!"