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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with HP Inc
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I love to write record and produce material, would love to help you out with your tunes
I will compose and write a song for you! Boricua style! Tu sabes!
Kennedy is an award winning rapper, singer, songwriter, and record producer working primarily in Los Angeles, New York City, and Baltimore, USA. He studied audio engineering at Musicians Institute in Hollywood, California and graduated in 2013. Since then, he has worked on a number of projects large and small in the television and film world.
My name is Ameeth Thomas and I am a professional Mixing & Mastering Engineer.
A voice in a lane of its own... (with a lot of Detroit MAGIC sprinkled on top)! Lol
Professional Composer, Pianist and Keyboardist full equiped with more than 10 years of experience.
Your song will sound, like your favorite record. I have worked on various projects, with all kinds of genres. Including songs for Films, Independent Artists and Known Artists.
Ecclectic violinist with heavy classical training and a diverse set of interests, tastes and skills. After graduating multiple renowned universities, I developed a strong need for crossover, utilizing both acoustic and electric violins.
Recent Successes
"Thoughtful. Attentive. Patient. Detailed. 100% recommend Josh, for newcomers and the seasoned."
"Jeff is an incredible mixing and mastering engineer! He has been super easy to work with and really brings my songs to life. I cant wait for the next one!"
"On my second Job with Pablo, he just went above and beyond, proposing ideas and adjusting his drum kit to enhance the song. Will come back to work with him soon!"
"Emma's work is always on-time and impeccable!"
"Andy is a true artist! Really understand what you what want, and always deliver more than you expect! He gives magical touch to the project! "
"Hands down a competent, patient, flexible, and quality engineer. Josh was able to provide timely responses to my messages, make adjustments to work on the fly, provide additional support and made sure he was available..."
"Once in a great while your run in with a great producer, that’s God an outstanding talent with arranging music on your personal songs. I’m lucky to say that I have found that producer right here."