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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with How I Became The Bomb - Recording Engineer/ Mixing
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A veteran violin player. Mix engineer composer and strings arranger
Let's work together on the song you've dreamed of. You provide your awesome ideas and let me write it out!
My name is Megan Knight. I'm a professional singer-songwriter based in Philadehlphia. I have worked with many notable musicians in LA, Kansas City, Muscle Shoals and Nashville. I strive to make every project very passionate and soulful. I sing for a plethora of genres including Country, Pop, EDM, Blues, Indie, Rock and Folk.
Working on getting your songs club ready!
Hello Hello, I want to help bring your track to life by helping you find your sound. I’m a professional producer, songwriter, musician , and mixing engineer available for hire. After studying at Musicians Institute in Hollywood (LA), Ive gone on to work with Grammy winning artists and producers who are based in LA.
Mixing engineer located in Los Angeles. My goal is to make your music sound better than you imagined. Lots of indie credits, lots of happy clients. Where vibe meets fidelity is where I live, and I find it very important to keep your sound intact while bringing it to a new sonic level. Let me help you make your music sound great.
Spectacular Sound Productions is a music production studio established by Bertalan Szűcs in 2016 . The studio focuses on animation movie, game and trailer music, such as award winner Hey Deer! animated short.
Twelve Years of professionally mixing hip hop, rap, and R&B for commercial release.
Recent Successes
"A+ on the strings sound. Very good!"
"It's been an overall great experience with Lavender. Fast, affordable, passionate, great sounding final mixes. Helped me tremendously with my project and delivered high quality sculpted soundscapes, will keep him in m..."
"Another song done and it keeps getting better. Ni’elle has a good soul, she is always on top of her work she is so hardworking. From the first song to now Ni’elle is my go to singer, she is reliable and punctual. She ..."
"It was a pleasure working with Richard! Great communication and strings sound excellent. Will definitely call upon Richard for more strings again. "
"He impressed me with his clear vision and list of actionable steps to take in the mixing process to improve my track. As a novice producer, while I was creatively proud my unmixed demo, the difference between Eddie's ..."
"At this point Ethan and I have history. We have done many tracks together and I can’t say enough about his ability. What he brings to my songs, makes me want to do a full length rather than an EP. . . If you get the c..."
"Ken is the best! He communicated well from the start and used his decades of experience to make a great mix even better and then delivered and awesome Dolby Atmos mix and master! Don't be intimidated by his resume, Ke..."