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Holiday Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I got my start in project studios before getting educated and landing in the world of remote recording. I spent the late 90's and early 2000's traveling as an engineer with Big Mo Recording Services. There, I was lucky to work with many top artists of the day. I love music and I am obsessed with sound; and the powerful impact it has on us.
With over 10,000 hours of experience, I have moved from being just a technical mixer to a 'vibe' mixer. Bringing fullness, life, punch, power and space to sound is my trade. I use a combination of analog and digital tools to create a 'holographic' stereo image. Dub Mixing. The result of a life of gear collection and passionate skill development.
2.5 M Singer, Songwriter, Multi-istrumentalist, Dancer, DJ, and Record Producer, TV personality. FB @ValentinaBlackOfficial IG @valentinablackoff
I have been singing and recording for over 10 years now and have many placements world-wide for doing so. My voice sticks out from the crowd in the aspects of tone, range, control, and adaptability. Gimme a holler!
The Complete Package: Recording/Mixing/Instrumentals Credits: Odmgdia, Zombiez, Jubin, Anonym, Psassa, Duzoe, Grafi, and many more...
Hire me for your next project.
Hi , I am Mo'men also known as Mr.D , Egyptian musician..
Beatport top 10 producer :)
Recent Successes
"It was super fun working with itzQuincy Thompson. He is an amazing talent, a true genius at what he does. Great vocals, great melodies and lyrics. He understood the track right away. I definitely want to work with him..."
"Brilliant musician and very easy to work with."
"Wonderful collaboration with Stefanie. She has a fantastic voice and a great intonation. Smooth, fast and friendly communication. Thanks a lot!"
"Super patient and never disappoints no matter how complicated my needs are."
"May is super talented and a great collaborator ! Hope to work with her again soon !"
"It was really good...! Highly responsive and great work :)"
"If you know about Deza, you know. If you don’t know about how great Deza is . . well . . hate to say it . . but you're missing out! Her timing, tone, ad libs, etc. . . she’s the real deal - PRO! Do yourself a favor an..."