Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hoftyk
Rap of all kinds / 20 years of experience / Recording studio in Europe and United States / Thousands of tunes done
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I'm Brad, I'm from Johannesburg South Africa. I work on an SSL AWS with awesome equipment at an amazing studio called Footprint Productions . I've played drums for 18 years. FB: https://www.facebook.com/footprint.production Studio Pics:https://www.instagram.com/footprint.productions/
I am a recording/mix engineer located in Nashville, TN.
Producer, sound engineer, mixing & mastering
Im the better in my place!
I produce dreamy guitar-based pop music for recording artists and sync sound. Recently, a track of my mine received placement in the film RUN HIDE FIGHT, which premiered at Venice Film Festival 2020. I can write your song, produce your song, mix your song, and master your song... or I can just play guitar:)
I will help you in ways nobody does. Achieve with me the sound you need to succeed. I have been for 18 years making records with support from all the big heads in the industry including Richie Hawtin, Laurent Garnier, John Talabot, Speedy J and many more.
Looking for a smooth vocal take pieced together from multiple takes? Or vocals you can use in your work (background vocals, demos, top-lines or vocals to sample)? That's exactly what I do! I am all about giving a great vocal for other artists' music or my own.
Recent Successes
"Amazing artist/songwriter! He used the lyrics I sent him and took everything to another level with additional lyrics, edits and melodies. I will definitely be sending him more songs to work on. Highly recommend!!! "
"VARGENTA did a great job on perfecting my mix and master. Really good guy to talk to and happy with the results! Would definitely recommend for your mix & master work."
"The one, the only, the master! Hugo on drums! Check out Fate's Frontier to hear more of his drumming in action ;) "
"Tom is a true professional, he delivered mastering that sounds great in every aspect. I would definitely recommend you work with Tom if you want a loud and juicy mastering that is transparent and dynamic at the same t..."
"Nate is the best!! Has so many tracks he’s constantly working on so whether you come to him with music in mind or need a starting place, he’s got you. He’s been extremely patient in my communication time gaps & always..."
"Michael is the best of the best. Quick to communicate, highly musical and the consummate professional. His experience and craft are second to none. Thanks again, my man!"
"Scott was great to work with and produced a body of work that blew my mind in both quantity and quality. A super nice guy and all-round dude, I couldn't recommend him highly enough!!"
"If you've got a funky tune that is in need of a sound that is current and fresh yet reminiscent of groovy times from the past then Jean-Michel is your man. A funk-meister extraordinaire who will find your sound and t..."