Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hitmill studios
I am a songwriter/Lyricist and vocalist. I have worked all over the world with many artists in Ireland , Zurich , Berlin and LA. I have worked with many artists as a songwriter and engineer in studios such as Hitmill studios Zurich, Tonscheune Oleak studios Berlin . Send me a message to hear my work and let’s make music
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I'm a Nashville bass player and producer. I play weekly on WSM Radio's Nashville Cowboy Church, hosted by Dr. Harry Yates and his wife Joanne Cash Yates (Johnny Cash's sister). I also produce tracks in my home studio, do sessions, play live in bands and as a single, and write songs.
My name is Arthur, I am a Recording, Mixing and Mastering Engineer. Leaving in Manchester, UK! You can check my website, youtube and soundcloud profiles to get an understanding of my works.
Hi. Im a 36 year old recording engineer/ mixer. have been working in studios for 17 years.
Hello! I'm going to keep this simple. My passion, actually my obsession, is creating masterful feeling drum tracks ! I have spent a significant portion of my life dedicated to the art of drumming, both live and touring. It’s what I do and it’s who I am.
I trust my ears, eyes, body, heart and Genelec monitors.
I am a session guitarist and mandolinist with 30+ years of studio experience working with artists to create for the song. Skilled in Rock, Country, R and B, Funk, Bluegrass, and Metal. Accomplished player in lead, rhythm, fingerstyle, slide, chicken picking, flatpicking, and classical. High quality gear. Checkout audio sample for styles.
Hi there! My name is Ilya. I'm from Kharkiv(Ukraine) I took part in several successful Kharkov bands, such as: Legenda Folium and HolyWhale With all this, I wanted to say that I have a lot of experience with playbacks, mixing, automation, arrangements, writing music, etc.
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Recent Successes
"Perfect mix as always."
"Fantastic guy, will be back for more!! Great work! Very fast."
"very talented and sweet vocalist and composer. will repeat"
"I did a 808 lesson with Tips at his studio. Tipz is dope. He is a master at crafting 808's. You can tell he has a lot of experience in his craft because he can get 808 notes by ear and duplicate any 808 sound from any..."
"I'm very grateful of having the great experience of working with her so kind and professional as Jaime. Would love to work with them again!"
"Jon is an incredible talent! His vocals and guitar are absolutely killer. He turned my lyrics into a full blown song. Communication throughout was totally on point. Looking forward to working with Jon again! Thanks man!"
"ALOU crushed it! He immediately saw what was needed to take the track to a whole new level. Pleasure to work with. New project already underway!"
"Always a pleasure to collaborate with Liz, who never fails to deliver high quality cello pieces that fit in perfectly with your project. A true pro."
"Amazing quality and quick delivery! Very easy to work with—Stefanie understood exactly what I wanted."