Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hindsight - Short Film
Endorsed by Dowina Guitars and Modevices, George is a Fingerstyle guitarist specialising in percussive guitar, composing and session playing. George plays similar to Tommy Emmanuel or Mike Dawes. In this style he uses the full acoustic guitar to sound like a full band live by doing the drums on the body, bass, harmony, and the melody all at once.
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I'm a French-American music producer, recording and mixing engineer, and guitarist looking to record, mix or produce any projects!
I am a music graduate and had various work experiences in sound design, audio editing, jingle writing, mixing and recording. During my studies, I composed for small ensembles, solo instruments and wrote various electroacoustic and electronic pieces. My compositions and sound art works were performed and exhibited in London and Istanbul.
I'm a alternative rock songwriter and guitarist, but also I've been producing my own music for 3 years. I play classical guitar too.
Charly is a sound engineer, artistic director and producer. In 2018, he graduated as a music producer. Trained and graduated at Abbey Road studios, this allowed him to work in prestigious studios and artists. Thanks to his multiple caps, Charly has participated in many musical projects in France like London.
Up and coming engineer with 5+ years of studio and live situations.
Worked with Justin Bieber, Tory Lanez, etc...
I have over 8 years of experience having self produced two albums, an EP and self directed and produced four music videos.
Recent Successes
"another hit song! thanks to you for your work, Scott!"
"Keith is an amazing mixing engineer, really professional one of the best I have had the pleasure of working with. Friendly, punctual and would highly recommend his work to anyone. Just finished three songs and will no..."
"Very knowledgeable and skilled Mixing & Mastering engineer, who always delivers high quality work. Highly recommend. "
"there is a good mix a better mix and a BALIR MIX. you get it and it is already there without mastering. Every instrument has a role and you can feel it. absolutely delicious "
"I really enjoyed hiring Nate Barnes. Although I can imagine that the job was a no-brainer and pretty simple for him, being a professional drummer and all, the delivery was so much more than I expected, plus he knocked..."
"Really good quality and fast talks ! I enjoyed working with both of you guys :) See you very soon... "
"Top notch result and communication with Tim. He is one of the bests ever. Not even a revision needed. It’s been a pleasure working with him."
"Always the highest pleasure. Truest hails"
"Working with Mechi was great! Very fast delivery. Took my lyrical idea to the next level, and provided solid vocals I would recommend working with Mechi on your next track 🔥 "
"Elias turned around an edit on a 7-minute song at very short notice with a sharp deadline, and he delivered on the promise with great results! He was a great communicator, providing a sample mid-way through editing to..."
"Ard is an incredible professional! Talented, detail-oriented, and easy to work with. The final production exceeded my expectations. Highly recommended!"