Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with higherground
Sound engineer and passionate producer for 20 years, I offer you my skills to bring your production to a professional level.
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My name is Alex Anunciation, and I have been creating music my entire life. From playing the drums, bass, and guitar to audio design and writing music, I am passionate about the voice that others wish to display.
http://johnfranklin.ch https://www.instagram.com/johnfranklin_/ https://soundcloud.com/user-230432972... https://www.facebook.com/musicbyjohnfranklin/ https://open.spotify.com/artist/3G3nY5JakQihBcySisgGn8?si=S3GNfxQVSJC3U42JvPw5uQ https://twitter.com/francobaumann https://johnfranklin.ch
I am a young entrepreneur who has been involved with The GRAMMY Foundation, and worked with platinum selling artists. I am very hands-on and meticulous when I work with someone to ensure that we get the sound we desire. I have a suite of software and hardware, and years of experience that I feel will be of value to interested musicians.
Passionate guitar player, singer, songwriter, producer & musician. Let's get in touch!
20+ years producing electronic, pop & rock music. Songwriting & composition. Conservatory trained studio musician (Grade): Classical guitar (10) Piano (8) Cello (6) Violin (3) Accordion (Chromatic), Orff (4) (all four wooden recorders, xylophone, marimba, mellophone, arrangement), hand drums (4,bongos, darabouka, doumbek, castanets)
A higher result for a lower price
#1 Beatport House selling artist with releases on Defected, Toolroom, Higherground (Mad decent), Producer for Diplo, Mark Knight and DJ Tennis with100M streams on Spotify
I am a young producer and musician from Finland making songs from a wide selection of genres. I am a multi-instrumentalist with over 6 years of experience
Recent Successes
"Lachi is so versatile, she nails her signature sounds but yet can stretch outside of her norm then back again with no sacrifice to quality. She's so good you could probably have her sing country or yodle and she'd nai..."
"Amazing results! It is refreshing to work with a vocalist who doesn't need lot of instructions - moreover, can guide you with her vocal performance and show new ways to express the song. Looking forward to working w..."
"Omg!!!! I’m soooo speechless. Excellent work!!!"
"Fantastic work, really quick turnaround and easy to communicate with. Would highly recommend! "
"Very good mastering in no time. "
"The words that I would describe my experience working with Larry would include: 'professional', 'great process'. 'thoughtful approach', 'wide array of techniques, percussion instruments and sounds', 'adaptable to try ..."
"Bella X is a really great singer, really professional. She have an incredible voice. She was very fast in writing, recording and sending the vocals. I really appreciate that."
"Chris brought funky, soulful energy to the keyboards on "Feel Good." With one take, he laid down grooving keys that made the track danceable and fun. His smooth, natural playing found melodic gems that accent the inst..."
"Dan did a great job on drums, adding bass, and mixing mastering my song. I look forward to working with him on another song!"