Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hermoso Vaquero
Doing music to me "is like Christmass everyday". I´ll do everything to make our project the best, if it doesn´t, we´ll make it.
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I'm a Hip Hop/ R&B Music Producer and a mixing engineer. I've been making music since I was about 5 years old and I started learning the art of mixing when I was about 14 due to my father being a professional.
I'm a sound-holic tea-coffee drinker, err, I'm a sound designer, composer and sound engineer. I'm an italian in Denmark, working as game audio consultant for an indie company. I've got four years of experience as sound engineer and designer, I've worked for television, radio, record studio, videogame companies and personal pjts and researches.
I'm a German music producer, songwriter and DJ.
Michelangello, London's most promising producer/singer-songwriter is on SoundBetter.
Elevate your song structure with custom lyrics that hit hard and resonate deeply. As a seasoned hip hop artist and songwriter, I specialize in crafting authentic, powerful lyrics tailored to your unique style and message. Whether you need unforgettable hooks, impactful verses, or full songs that capture your voice, I’m here to deliver.
Music Artist with decades of experience in mixing, recording, guitar playing, bass and piano, with a special elite skill sort in lyricism and Melodys to suit all genres.
Vocalists or rappers: if you need a song, i'll make it for you
Recent Successes
"Great singer, thanks so much!"
"Pino is a very tight and versatile master of his instrument. His recordings are quality ready to drop into your mix with the least amount to production needed. I am delighted to have employed his services, and would ..."
"Stella has a very pleasant, warm, emotional voice. She tries to fully understand your need and gives her best to fulfill that. Good to work with her, recommended."
"Another epic Remix. Thank-you."
"Drew is truly an expert at his craft and easily one of the best singer/songwriters I've worked with. He delivered top notch performances and recordings and I could not be happier with the song we put together. Highly ..."
"We have worked before, so i knew she works with a fast turnaround. No fuzz and just deliver what you need with a very good results! "
"This production has a real romantic beauty to it. It reminds me of the quiet hours in the morning before the world is awake. He's always turning out something fresh and interesting. Great production once again! 5 star..."
"The 25th Hour's remarkable sense for quality, originality and especially his valuable experience have contributed to a highly promising record I am very excited about. Get your records to the next level right here! "
"Dennis has consistently delivered exceptional tracks for me, exceeding my expectations every time. Not only is he a phenomenal player, but he also has a remarkable ability to serve the song's needs. Dennis is incredib..."
"Tom is the absolute master of mastering. I've never found an engineer that can reach of the highest levels of competitive sound quite like him. HIGHLY recommend!"