Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Helper
I love music from the 80s and early 90s. I like to record sounds for samples myself. And also discover the secrets of recording interesting and popular at that time samples.
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Recent Successes
"Benny is the king of mixing. You'll be surprised by how amazing he is. "
"Tyree Did an exceptional job On our recent track together. He sang my hook exactly the way I wanted. And did a great mix. Definitely will be working with tyree again very soon "
"This was our second time using TMIS, and once again we were extremely satisfied with the result of our master! They provided both a high quality and professional sounding master, and took our track to the next level! ..."
"Edu is great! Easy to work with. Great communication. Great feel. Fast turnaround He played for the song and made it better! I had very specific file requirements and he gave me exactly what I asked for. Will be using..."
"So great to work with Arthur. We worked on a rock song together and the result is awesome !!!! He mixed it perfectly . The difficulty with Rock n’ Roll is to be true and honest but still sounding big. Arthur is really..."
"Kate gave an amazing performance of my song! Everything about it was right on- tone, phrasing, background harmonies- I wouldn't change a note. We will definitely be working together again!"
"Working with Jackson was a pleasure his detail and professionalism and passion for the track was tremendous. It came out terrific, can't wait to present it as a single and or on an album. Very much looking forward t..."
"Mario is the best! He's extremely professional and worked with us to make sure that every tiny detail was perfect. His turnaround is extremely fast and he took our song like, 8 levels higher than it was before we hire..."
"This was my first time working with Elliot and he did not disappoint! I can be a bit of a perfectionist and Elliot was super patient working with my requests. He delivered a super crispy/punchy mix and master at a lig..."