Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hein Westgaard trio
Mixer and producer specializing in alternative, experimental and jazz music.
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Award winning Composer for Film, Theater & Games and a Virtual Orchestrator. Home Composer major sample developers: Best Service, Orange Tree Samples, Fluffy Audio, Sonokinetic, Wave Factory, Bela D Media etc. Offers composition, Virtual Orchestration, Sound Design &Production services for all major media types: Game Audio, Theater, Films & TV.
Experienced producer songwriter looking to record, collab, produce, remix.
Cold Carbon. I love to write lyrics. It's always a blessing to curate and collaborate.
I help artists and producers achieve excellence in their music, through editing and mixing
I have been producing commercially for over 20 years. See johnumphreystheartist.com for some of my writing skills or search soundcloud for DedPro. I can mix, produce, sing and write songs so let me know what you need and I’ll be happy. To quote Prices from £330 per day
Verses and hooks all day
Get ready to make a hit with some originally made Head Banging instrumentals . Working on being a Grammy winning producer. Reasonable prices on the instrumentals. Giving all credit to my music label FMMEproductionInc. Also known by FlowMoneyMusikEntLlC.
Versatile Profesional Drummer, compose, record and edit drums.
Recent Successes
"Riley did an amazing job!! Pinpointed some problems with my mix, which helped make the master even better, was really patient with all my nitpickiness, and most importantly delivered a stellar master. Really nailed th..."
"Kimera is a top professional! She gives a lot to a song ! Her attitude , voice , feeling , rich style and harmonizations that provides to a song , it’s all amazing !!! And she is super effective and fast ! "
"What can I say that hasn’t been said already. Alex is a genius when it comes to his performances. Ten Stars."
"Heisam is a top notch professional. He is very timely in his responses and takes feedback amazing. He delivered a quality product and was patient. Everything you could ask for when working with a SoundBetter vocalist...."
"Once again home run by Omo Aston! Glad he's on my team! I expect more of the same from this young talent! I give a sometimes detailed sometimes not, concept for my vision for a song and he nails it every time. "
"Three words, THE GREATEST EVER. Quality is what he breathes and I couldn’t be anymore happier with the results."
"Quick, polite and perfect tuning!"
"I am so grateful that I found Yoad! He truly is amazing at what he does. I have been able to realise the vision of my track. He was also very patient with me and allowed me to describe exactly what it is I was looking..."