Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Head Stone
Whether Shoegaze, Grunge, Hardcore, Dream Pop, Indie, Country, or Soul, impactful and vibrant mixes are vital for all modern genres in order to compete in the oversaturated music market of todays world. My name is Colin Christian and I have dedicated my life to making the most engaging records I can with my clients.
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studio mixing mastering and remixing expert
Hello friends.I've written for Disney & a Cannes Film Festival winner.I’ve a Masters (Distinction) in Commercial Songwriting & Production & have been writing hooky songs since 2000.Get in touch to realise your songwriting dreams with a strong top line,unique vocal,fire BVs,fierce lyrics.I’m super-supportive, collaborative & reasonable.Let's create!
Are you looking for that big professional sound? Then I’m your Engineer.
Never knew u will be a header,never ever never knew we gon do it better,told u it was now,but u shouted back never, So u messed it,and I left this,, A kiss,I blow it over the top,to show I was on Ur case, I dealt with a cop,so u win your f*kn race.... Im done, now...
23-year-old Mix Engineer, Rapper & Producer from South-East London, UK.
Let's make the world feel your song. I'm an mixer engineer, music producer and composer ready to help you out.
Guitarrista experiente que traz vida e alma às suas faixas.
I am a song writer, producer, artist and specialise in urban hip-hop, pop, afrobeat. Fast and effective. Flexible ETAs.
Recent Successes
"Dave has done an excellent job with the song I submitted. The mastering he provided gave the song clarity, depth, dynamics and wideness! I could not ask for more! Thanks a lot Dave for being so professional!"
"Yoed is truly amazing at coming up with cello parts. I loved every bit of his work in the song he played on."
"Sam's a really great singer and super easy to work with."
"Sanesia made it very easy and pleasurable to work with her on BGV. She is an absolute professional in her craft. Top notch!"
"I was absolutely floored and blown away with what Diego came up with! He took my song and brought it to the next level! it gave me goosebumps and moved me almost to tears! I can't thank him enough! Highly recommend! "
"Sarina is awesome! Highly recommended "
"Great producer "
"The best Christmas song ever - thanks so much Nate you always create something magical and exciting and never disappoint - thank you thank you thank you"
"We are Brady Beats and The Token Girl, a DJ/Producer Duo out of South-Florida. We have worked with Alex on many projects including our full length album “Dance With Me” and it’s really taken our music to the next leve..."