Harmonica in Israel
I was featured on Ukulele magazine with my solo ukulele arrangements, Played Guitars on a lot of songs and productions in Israel, and I also play Bass, Ukulele and Harmonica. I'm specializes in giving the song what it needs musically. I also released 1 original album & several singles. I also can sing.
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More providers:
Any genre, Tracking, Time Editing, Pitch Editing, Mixing, Mastering
Voiceover artist, mixing and mastering engineer, music production.
Hello, I’m a songwriter, music producer, multi instrument player. Ready to take the stage or the recording studio at any time. Music is not my profession, it’s my life. 24/7 dedicated. I have been main violin in an opera house, and played different instruments along the way.
Fashion designer
I have been writing and producing music professionally for the last 6 years. I have had multiple record deals with majors including Warner Music and Universal for my own music. As an artist I have worked with amazing talent and my songs and productions have been featured in multiple Spotify Editorial Playlists.
I'm music composer and producer since more than 10 years. I normally do my own tracks in collaboration with singers or Rapper but I'd like to help other artists on a project that is not mine. It would be a chance for me to offer my expertise and keep learning new things.
I work on the FMOD project but the implementation via code is up to the programmer. I also use Reaper to make the sound design and creation for the games sound.
Assistant engineer to Grammy winning producer/ engineer Nic Hard, Ananya is a dedicated and detail oriented music producer and engineer. She has built her catalog as a solo artist, singer and composer who performs and composes in multiple genres of Western Music such as pop, rock, Rnb, soul, jazz and more.
Recent Successes
"Christian did an excellent job remixing a track for me. He worked incredibly fast and was extremely responsive. He always answered my messages quickly. The end product was exactly what I asked for. Would definitely wo..."
"Vince did an excellent job with our track, and communicated very regularly and effectively. He took on the task with a great attitude and was very open to suggestions. It was an absolute joy to work with him, and I wo..."
"Scott is a recording BEAST! not only was the turnaround fast, the results surpassed my expectations. Great Quality Recordings!!! he was easy to talk to and responded to all my questions. The whole process couldn't ha..."
"Eileen is a PRO! She was very professional, timely & oh... THAT VOICE!!! Additionally, I highly recommend Eileen because she truly cared about my project. She wanted to make sure it was perfect! & now it is!!! "
"Great communication, quick delivery, really open to ideas and direction, wonderful dedication to nailing the right tone for the track!"
"Matt Bishop is truly " The Man". He is every bit of the 5 star we are giving him. Everything you hope to get in an engineer, you get. Professional, great work ethic, quick response, quick action and talented"
"Good job"