Harmonica in Falun
Singer/Songwriter with a distinct and personal voice! Wide vocal range and can work within many genres
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Mix&Mastering engineer
Hi, I'm an Audio Engineer based in Jakarta, Indonesia. My work ranges from mixing scores for feature films and major label bands/solo artist. Kindly check my web www.reynerferdinand.com if you want to know more.
Need life to your track? I’ll bring it! I’ll make sure each second of the song keeps your audience listening! And if you need to added to more Spotify Playlists I’ll assist you in that aspect so I can get you more plays!
Comming soon
I treat your creation as my own, and will give my 100% to make it as best as possible. Hit me up for mixing, mastering, and songwriting. We will come up with a price that works for both of us.
Being a part of the music business in such a diverse town as Nashville, TN has taught me how to honor any song with just what is needed for multiple genres. Whether you need drums/percussion added to your music or you have a great song that deserves a great mix I can help you achieve that.
If you're looking for quality beats and/or quality lyrics in the realms of Hip Hop and R&B, then look no further than MSSNGR.
I am a mixing engineer with over 4 years experience in the field.
Recent Successes
"Isabella was fantastic to work with. Very responsive and super keen to give me exactly what I was after. And most importantly, a great vocal!"
"Wes is the man! he delivers great verse!"
"Wonderful experience! Eric nailed it the first go-round. Very professional and easy to communicate with. Couldn't be happier with the result!"
"Professional, fast, communicative. I really appreciate the details and thought put into my project. El brought out the best aspects of my song while keeping true to the original vision and emotion of the track. I look..."
"Just finished my first job with Aubrey. It's so good! She's very professional and she really adds what's needed to the track - and some more. Great programming and overall producing. I can definitely recommend her!!"
"Turned out an amazing piece and kept me updated on the goings on!"
"Once again Elieser has delivered beyond expectation. I will definitely be working with Him a lot more in the very near future..."
"Giuliano is an incredible artist. Excellent composer, producer and musician. Great talent and strong sensitivity! He has an important knowledge and mastery of classical music, combined with an enthralling exploration..."
"Always a pleasure working with Austin! Can’t wait for the next one"