Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Harmaleighs
I can help you to produce fully developed, unique versions of your songs that are of the highest quality for the best commercial releases. I work with Artists to get the best recorded performances and then develop or help you find your unique sound through instrumental arrangements, orchestration, advanced mixing process and years of experience.
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Award winning producer, artist and sound engineer.
As a composer, published more than 100 pieces. Among which "The Ode to Life" one of numerous renown songs. More than a classical violinist, also interprets the latest Top 100 hits and play with any band and any style.
No Introduction needed
What I do is honest, natural and it has attitude.
I mix and producer and rap/sing with a passion for all areas. Covering different genres over my time has allowed me to be versatile and appreciate the genres for what they each offer sonically. My unique specialization would be creating a vibe on a track using my imagination to capture what I think that is and applying that in the mixing process.
Whats up! My names Kevin and I am a pianist based out of Vancouver BC. I have played for Disney Artist Kylie Cantrall as well as currently being the MD for JESSIA. Piano has lead me to tour Asia as well as North America. I am stoked to play some pop or jazz piano parts for your songs.
Awards Winning Music Producer & Songwriter. Millions plays and streams for song produced and composed. Songwriter for #1 hits singers in China / Taiwan, Ding Dang, Jerry Yan, Wu Mochou, Fish Leong and more. Closely partner with Warner Chappell Music and many exceptional producers and musicians across the world.
Autodidacte multi genre producer, after 2 months, my first techno track ever was played by Amelie Lens. When I create I love to synthetize every sound of my track. I need to have fully to control
Recent Successes
"Working with Giancarlo was a great experience; he has such a great ear for his craft which helped me achieve my vision for the song. The results were even better than I could have imagined. Thank you, Giancarlo. You a..."
"We've already finished another one:) Silke is a musician with a capital letter that can live your song with you, also she's very creative. Silke makes my dreams come true:):):) Thank you really much!!!))))"
"My first time using soundbetter and Valentyne is amazing. I honestly feel I stressed him out but he still was happy to help regardless of what I asked of him for my song. He was so comfortable to work with and I love ..."
"Torsten was an absolute pleasure to work with! He achieved such lush, stereo sound on the mix on my track which is exactly what I was looking for. On top of that, the additional production he did on the track was very..."
"Bruce is THE MAN for dobro, banjo, fiddle or mandolin for country and roots tracks! I’ve asked Bruce to provide instrument tracks for several of my original songs. On each song, Bruce analyzes the song for what is ne..."
"Camilo was unknowningly part of a multi-engineer mastering shootout for our first major release. All of the engineers we used from this site were very professional, listened to feedback, and provided commercial qualit..."
"Andre's got it. It's pretty simple. There's no need to wax poetic about his prowess (though you could certainly do it), but I will say this: his ear is true, his chops are sharp, and his output is keen and vital. If y..."
"This track came out really magical. Like a dream. I love how Zeitstill mastered my mix. The heart of a teenager in love, as the track is called, now feels like real heartbreak. It hurts, but it lives, and it shines a..."
"Dope mix & master, delivered super fast"